Pioneers 2022

2022-01-31 17:00: CET


Pioneers, an Climate KIC programme, equips organisations with the proven Pioneers methodology, Systems Innovation expertise, guidance, tools, and a network of partners connected by innovating to fight climate change. 
Pioneers partners design and deliver place-based Systems Innovation learning experiences to professionals; while building a network of people with the mindset and competencies to drive the transition towards a zero-carbon, climate-resilient society. 

The Pioneers programme´s  Call to Action aims at attracting and selecting partners that co-design, -prepare, -deliver, -evaluate and  -fund place-based Pioneers programmes to at least 150 participants across Europe. Pioneers partners will be trained and co-funded by the Horizon Europe funding framework. 


How to apply

  • Read the two Call for Action documents carefully.
  • If you have questions, you are welcome to join an information session. Information sessions will take place on 16th November 2021 and 2nd December 2021 – please visit the Pioneers’ calendar to register.