Climate-KIC will be participating in the Folkemødet on Bornholm, Denmark – The People’s Political Festival.
The event is a meeting of ordinary people and Danish politicians to debate current political issues. Each political party represented in the Danish Parliament has the opportunity to hold a major speech during the week.
Climate-KIC presents
Line Gry Knudsen, Nordic Education Lead has been invited by The Capital Region of Denmark to present our Climathon concept on Friday 12 June at 10 am.
Anyone at the festival is welcome to attend this session which is free.
Line will explain the decision process which a city goes through and invite discussion on how best to involve citizens and users when seeking climate friendly solutions. The Climathon method can be used in developing future climate solutions for our larger cities. On the same day in June Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Helsinki are inviting data experts, citizens, students and climate researchers to climate workshops where innovative solutions will found over a 24 hour period for defined challenges such as:
- How can Innovation Platforms be instrumental in catalysing city climate initiatives?
- How to motivate climate-smart change of citizens’ behaviour through the use of data-driven services?
Please see further information about the Nordic Climathons