
Partner launch: Norwegian University of Science and Technology

14 Sep 2015

Join us at a two day event to mark our new academic affiliate partner in Norway NTNU (the Norwegian University of Science and Technology) joining the Climate-KIC community. 

Thursday 24 September:  Official launch event

Time: 14:00–17:00, followed by a reception
Venue: NTNU Lerchendal Gård, Strindveien 2, 7491 Trondheim, Norway

Opening addresses by:
Gunnar Bovim, Rector, NTNU
Bertrand van Ee, CEO, Climate-KIC
Susanne Pedersen, Director, Climate-KIC Nordic
Fridtjof Fossum Unander, Executive Director, Reasearch Council of Norway

Industry and University collaboration – how to achieve societal impact and innovation
Johan Hustad, Pro-Rector, NTNU

Presentations by finalists in Researcher Grand Prix addressing Climate Issues

Musical interlude

Presentation of ClimateLaunchpad finalists from Norway:
Climate Launchpad European winner: Desertcontrol
ClimateLaunchpad Finalist: One Earth Designs
ClimateLaunchpad Finalist: ChemFree

New Climate-KIC project “Carbon Track & Trace” (LoCaL programme)
Hans-Einar Lundli, Trondheim Municipality, Patrick Driscoll and Dirk Ahlers, NTNU

Sustainable Energy in Cities – Summer School and Experts in Team Village in Shanghai, invitation to Climate-KIC?
Professor Annemie Wyckmans

Musical interlude

Visit to the ZEB (Zero Emission Laboratories) laboratories
Director Arild Gustavsen: ZEB Living Lab, Test Cell and Laboratories

Reception at Lerchendal Gård

Friday 25 September:  Seminar on Climate change, innovation and the circular economy

In collaboration  with Climate-KIC Nordic and World Watch Institute

Venue: «Totalrommet» – second floor of the main administrative building at Gløshaugen

08:30–09:00 Registration and coffee


09:00–09:05 Welcome by Kari Melby, Pro-Rector for Research, NTNU

09:05–09:15 Introductions by seminar co-hosts, Julia Vol, World Watch Institute and Susanne Pedersen, Climate-KIC Nordic

09:15–09:40 Climate change and the need for innovation and systemic change. Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU

09:40–10:30 Keynote: Circular economy, innovation and climate change. Ken Webster, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

10:30–10:45 Coffee break

10:45–11:15 Circular economy as a business and innovation platform. Jasper Steinhausen (Ouroboros AS).

11:15–11:35 NTNU Perspectives I: Collaborating with cities: Carbon track and trace as an example. Professor Annemie Wyckmans, NTNU

11:35–11:55 NTNU perspective II: Green innovation and society, a citizen perspective. Professor Marianne Ryghaug, NTNU

11:55–12:00 Closing words for morning session and introduction to afternoon

12:00–12:45 Lunch

 12.45–14.00 Breakout workshops
• Group 1: Innovators of tomorrow – the role of academia and education (facilitated by Ken Webster)
• Group 2: Getting from talk to action – a hands-on discussion enabling you to start exploring your business opportunities in CE (facilitated by Jasper Steinhausen)

14:00–14:20 Presentation of discussion highlights

14:20–14:30 Closing words and goodbye

If you would like to attend, please sign up here.

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Created with Sketch. Oslo, Norway & online
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