Chalmers University of Technology
Business Region Göteborg
Sotenäs Municipality
This project has used Climate-KIC support to investigate the feasibility of developing an innovative Service Package aimed at various communities, mainly public organisations, such as municipalities, that wish to initiate or manage Industrial Symbiosis or Circular Economy systems. The project has focused on two Proofs of Concept, one community centred on peri-urban farming and one community with activities based on fish processing.
The methodology of the project has built on capacity building with workshops and study visits as a means to gather information about needs, challenges and requests. A Business Model Canvas was compiled in order to formulate a possible business case for the Service Package
The findings of the project support the idea of a Service Package as an innovation. There is a clear perceived need in the target group and there are also positive signs concerning the willingness to pay for such a service.
Building on the positive outcome of this Pathfinder project, the Consortium now looks ahead to developing and testing the Service Package within the framework of the two Proofs of Concept, also inviting further partners to join from within the clean-tech sector.