5 Ways to Make Your Festival Experience Greener

Festival season is well and truly underway. So what can you do to keep your experience green?

Unfortunately, festivals aren’t always as eco-friendly as we’d like them to be. But by following these top tips, you can still have some climate-friendly festival fun!

1. Don’t Ditch Your Tent

Did you know over 5,000 tents were abandoned at this year’s Glastonbury festival in the UK? This is a huge problem for festivals. Many people don’t need a tent for the rest of the year, so they leave the tents behind – meaning they end up in a landfill.

If you’d rather not take your tent home, then how about a recyclable alternative? KarTent, a Climate-KIC supported start-up, has created an ‘eco-tent’ which is made from weather-proof cardboard. They even set it up at the festival for you! Once the festival is over, they pick up the tent and send it off for recycling.

2. Sort Your Transport

Start your carbon cutting before you even get to the festival by taking public transport. Many festivals offer shuttle bus services to and from the sites which are helpful. Alternatively, you can look into car pooling if you can find people nearby that want to share.

3. Pack a Solar Shower

After three or four nights at a festival, keeping clean can sometimes get difficult due to long shower queues and sometimes broken facilities.

Invest in a solar shower! You can fill it up at a tap, hang it up and let the summer sun heat your shower through the special insulating fabric.

4. Bring Your Own Cup or Bottle

Plastic cups can be a nightmare at a festival as they often never reach the rubbish bins on site. This year, bring your own cup or bottle and ask the bar tenders to fill it up for you.

Maybe even treat yourself to an insulating bottle that will keep your drink nice and cool in the festival heat.

5. Clean up After Yourself

Perhaps one of the most important tips. The carnage of litter left behind at festivals can be shocking. At this year’s Glastonbury festival, an estimated 1,650 tonnes of waste was dumped on the site over the weekend.

While you’re at the festival, make sure to keep rubbish bags and dispose of them when you leave. Also encourage others around you to do the same.

Not going to any festivals this year but want to know more about camping green? Here’s 6 easy steps you can take for a climate friendly camping trip.
