Got an Amazing Climate Project? The UN Wants to Help You With PR

Are you part of a women-led climate action start-up? Or are you successfully financing climate innovations, or maybe you’ve developed an ICT solution that’s helping tackle climate change? The UN wants to help you with publicity.

Momentum for Change is an initiative spearheaded by the UN’s climate change office, and shines a light on the world’s best and brightest start-ups with solutions to climate change that are about transforming environments, economies and lives.

The focus is on recognising the powerful role that women have in addressing climate change, innovative models for climate friendly financing and the emerging information and communication technologies.

The UN calls these solutions Lighthouse Activities because they are beacons highlighting the enormous wealth of action that’s taking place across the world to help build a low carbon, climate resilient society.

Interested in who was selected last year? Check out these four inspiring Lighthouse Activities from 2015.

Mobisol Smart Solar Homes were a Lighthouse start-up in 2015 Photo: UNFCCC

Mobisol Smart Solar Homes were one of the Lighthouse Activity 2015. Photo: UNFCCC

Apply to be a Lighthouse Activity for 2016

Does your start-up fit the bill? Then make sure you apply to be a Lighthouse Activity for 2016 before 25 April.

There’s a ton of benefits if your project is selected, including:

  • Attending the UN Climate Change Conference (COP22) in Marrakech, Morocco, this year
  • Access to policy makers and potential funders during the conference
  • Public recognition from the UN Climate Change secretariat
  • PR support and media training
  • A dedicated page on the Momentum for Change website, and lots more!

Got a start-up idea that could help tackle climate change? Also check out the Climate-KIC Accelerator to fast-track your idea into a business.
