The Czech EIT Climate-KIC Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) Hub is the latest addition to the well-established EIT RIS community as it steps into its first year in 2020. The Institute of Circular Economy (INCIEN) and Impact Hub Prague (Brno and Ostrava) serve as the network developers to the larger community, which includes:

  • The City of Prague
  • A renewable energy company, Nano Energies
  • The University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB) in Prague
  • The Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU)
  • The national investment and business development agency, Czech Invest

The EIT Climate-KIC Hub continues to receive interest in its activities from other associated entities in the network. The Hub sees its role as a cohort of organisations dedicated to tackling climate change and building a community of climate innovators in Czechia. 

More specifically:

  • The Hub’s vision is to become one of the leading platforms in the climate and environmental innovations sector in Czechia, with a circular and low-carbon economy as its horizon. Circular economy and the energy sector are also main areas of interest to the local Hub.
  • In 2020, the Czech Hub already implemented the Accelerator programme and the CEE Community Lab project. Diverse workshops have also been held as a part of the Hub’s activities. For the upcoming years, the Hub aims to focus on the EIT Climate-KIC’s strategic programmes, including the Accelerator and Pioneers into Practice. It also aims to find suitable university partners to lead the Journey programme. The intention is to build a consortia based upon EIT Climate-KIC’s calls.
  • The Deep Demonstrations are also of great interest to the EIT Climate-KIC Hub, as well as to the local innovation ecosystem.
  • The Hub also foresees EIT Climate-KIC as an outreach organisation for the climate-oriented EU agenda. EIT Climate-KIC Hub therefore serves as an intersection between national and European interests.


The Institute of Circular Economy INCIEN

Hybernská 998/4, 

110 00 Praha 1 – Nové Město


Phone: +420 722 482 743


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