
We empower leaders in climate innovation

Build a unique set of skills to achieve your climate goals and ambitions. Our Climate Leadership Academy is a well-facilitated and engaged community that provides space for public and private leaders to collaborate globally across sectors. 

What makes learning at the Academy unique is its customisable series of modules. It includes online and in-depth system innovation courses, peer-to-peer leadership coaching, policy innovation practices for emerging leaders, and a convening festival.

Join the Academy and tackle climate change as we guide you on a journey towards a climate-resilient future.

Get in touch

Our approach to boost your green leadership skills

Modular learning

You can choose between light touch module (2-5 hours) and/or deep learning module (2-12 weeks), guided by systems innovation experts and based on Climate-KIC’s 15-year experience.

Community of practice

Regular peer-to-peer leadership coaching sessions with a group of strategic, international partners, as well as Master Classes by climate experts.

Policy Innovation Lab

A hands-on, working space that connects sustainable development plans to key priority areas, co-designed with you by reviewing policy and roadmaps.

Portfolio design

Design and development of a set of projects, initiatives or innovation actions that work together so that you can affect the whole system.

Climate Leadership Festival

A three-day, climate challenge-led and dynamic learning environment with a series of seminars, workshops, and community engagement experiences.

January 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark

Masterclass: Leadership in sustainability

Why learn with EIT Climate-KIC

Our Academy helps integrate climate action into all aspects of leadership so that together we can boost green leadership skills, advance the green transition and shift mindsets. We also look at social, economic, international and national climate action policy, and explore how collaboration across sectors supports collective climate action.

Increase knowledge and understanding of climate change science, policy, and relevance to your local context.

Outline the fundamentals of working collectively through leadership to influence positive change at organisational and community levels.

Build local capacity to foster and demonstrate leadership in developing and implementing local climate action measures.


Who is this for 

Are you a city leader or government official? An urban planner or a social scientist? A psychologist or an entrepreneur? Or maybe an innovation or development leader?

Whatever your expertise, our learning formats are customisable to your or your organisation’s needs. We bring people together and explore what it takes – as individuals and as organisations – to make an effective and rapid systemic change for a net-zero future.

Our experts

Get to know some of the people you will work with.

Solveig Zophaniasdottir

Solveig Zophoniasdottir

Learning, Insights, Monitoring & Evaluation Director
Carolina Giraldo

Carolina Giraldo

Circular Economy & Policy innovation expert

Tessa Finch

Future visioning & Strategic thinking expert
Saskia Visser

Saskia Visser

Land-use & Agri-food Director

Thomas Osdoba

EU Cities Mission Director