Ignite NEB Event Series & Grow NEB Programme

Project Organisers

Aug 16 2024 12:00 am GMT


This call is for organising partners or consortia to host Ignite New European Bauhaus (NEB) events and support the Grow NEB programme.

This call aims to award subgrants to organisations that support social Changemakers in transforming their solutions into real businesses and projects to deliver systemic change, produce new ways of living, and empower and expand the vision of sustainability, inclusivity, and quality of experience. The call is funded through the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Community New European Bauhaus (EIT Community NEB).


How to apply

This is organised in a one-step application procedure through the Awards Force Platform. Please read the Call document carefully and consult the EIT Community team if necessary. More information about the application process can be found in the following documents available for download:

Important dates

  • Call opening: 25 March 2024
  • Online info session: 18 April 2024 14:30 CET. Please register for the info session here
  • Deadline: 20 May 2024 17:00 CET