Woman TechEU


Sep 30 2024 5:00 pm CEST


Women TechEU is a 2-year EU-funded project supporting women leading deep tech startup companies from Europe.

Our mission is to create a more gender-balanced entrepreneurship ecosystem. We believe that diversity drives innovation, and we are here to provide women in deep tech with more opportunities, resources, and support to thrive.

The project consortium is launching 4 calls for applications over the span of 2 years which, following a rigorous evaluation process, will result in a total of 160 beneficiaries. Each beneficiary will receive €75k grants (non-dilutive finance) as well as a personalised business development programme which includes mentoring, coaching and targeted training among other options.


How to apply

Read the call document carefully, as it contains important information on the project and assessment criteria. Once ready, submit your proposal through this link. Only submissions through this link will be considered for this open call.

Important dates

  •  Deadline: Sep 30 2024 5:00 pm CEST