Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions from EU heavy Industry

This report sets out multiple possible pathways the EU could pursue to achieve the full decarbonisation of...

Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions from EU heavy Industry
Transformative change through innovation

Staying within 1.5 degrees will require rapid economy-wide decarbonisation through a transition process that is unprecedented, both...

Transformative change through innovation
Prospects of green growth in coal-dependent regions of Poland

The purpose of this report is to identify potential engines of economic growth in two regions of...

Prospects of green growth in coal-dependent regions of Poland
EU Long Term GHG Emissions Reduction Strategies

As an active member of the community working to solve challenges presented by climate change, EIT Climate-KIC...

EU Long Term GHG Emissions Reduction Strategies
Tackling Market and System Failures through Climate Innovation Clusters

Climate change demands fundamental changes in the way societal functions, such as energy, housing, mobility and food,...

Tackling Market and System Failures through Climate Innovation Clusters