Mariana Mazzucato on big-picture, high-ambition innovation missions
“All innovation has both a rate and a direction,” says economist Mariana Mazzucato. As we face pressing global challenges like climate change, how can we co-design for acceleration and directionality? How can we implement these solutions at scale?
Professor Mariana Mazzucato is Founding Director of the UK-based UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose – IIPP, a partner of Climate KIC. She has influenced public policy conversations across the globe with the concept of big-picture, high-ambition innovation “missions” to address the enormous transformation challenges we face. She also argues for a paradigm shift in economics (“changing the direction of growth”) and her TED talk on rethinking economic value has over one million views. She is also a new International Advisor to the Swedish government.
Watch Mazzucato’s Talks at Google speech to learn more about her missions approach to changing capitalism: