Every donation counts

Let's build a just, beautiful and
climate-resilient future

We understand that keeping global temperatures at safe levels demands unprecedented change. It requires new social dynamics, ways of doing business, and policymaking. We need new ways of living. That is why at Climate KIC, our mission is to leverage the power of systems innovation to transform cities, regions, and industry value chains. Together with our community, we’re helping drive solutions —from policy changes to technological developments—that play a key role creating a just, climate-resilient, beautiful future. 

As the impacts of climate change being felt more often and more severely around the world, Climate KIC is committed to achieving not only a liveable, but a thriving planet for all – and we need your help.

Help us support climate innovation around the world

Our mission is to build a safer world for future generations. We support initiatives in the areas of governance, education, research, technology and finance that innovate the ways we live and learn and find solutions for the climate-safe society of tomorrow. Donate today.

How can your donation make a difference?

In Cities

Has your city signed up to achieve net-zero by 2030?

More than 100 cities have now signed up to the EU’s Green Deal mission to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. This is an enormous undertaking that implies profound changes to the transport, energy, food, and social systems in your city. We are working with researchers and innovators from across Europe to help cities achieve this transformation in an inclusive way. We already receive funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe innovation programme, and with your donation we hope to expand our innovation program to discover new ways to reduce emissions and create green jobs. Your donation could help us transform whole places and ways of living.


In public policy

Do you think Europe is doing enough to act on climate change? 

The EU has some of the world’s most ambitious climate targets, but real action is needed to meet these targets and that action is often uncomfortable or inconvenient. To support EU lawmakers, Climate KIC works with innovators and researchers to uncover new ways to delivering change to create green jobs, reduce the impacts of climate change and increase resilience to extreme weather events. We take these innovative solutions to Brussels and help the European Commission to design new laws that support businesses and citizens to make a transformative change. Your donation could support the EU to take more ambitious and impactful policy action. 

About us

Since 2010, Climate KIC has built a climate community of over 450 partners and 54,000 students. It’s also incubated more than 2,100 companies and has supported the creation of over 10,000 jobs. Together with our community, we’ve helped drive important innovation—from policy changes to technological developments—playing a key role in accelerating the transition towards a carbon-neutral and resilient world.

Donations will go to the Climate-KIC International Foundation, which owns Climate KIC and partially funds its programmes and activities.

Our mission is urgent, will you join us?

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Other ways to help fund us

Privacy and legal

Climate KIC is committed to processing information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and as per our Privacy Policy. The personal data collected will be held securely and will only be used for administrative purposes.
If you have any questions relating to the way EIT Climate KIC will handle your information please contact: privacy.office@climate-kic.org.
The recipient of the funds (donation) is Stichting Climate-KIC International Foundation (“the Foundation”), a charitable foundation (“stichting”) qualifying as a public benefit organisation (“algemeen nut beogende instelling”) within the meaning of section 5b of the Netherlands’ General Tax Act (“Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen”). EIT Climate KIC Holding B.V., a private company with limited liability under Dutch law, will be responsible for managing on behalf of the Foundation payments made by donors through the appropriate intermediation channels.
Stichting Climate-KIC International Foundation will only use the funds donated for carrying out activities contributing to its general purpose and in the public benefit. Pursuant its Articles of Association, the objectives of the Foundation is the protection of nature and the environment, including the enhancement of sustainability, in aid of the common good, both ecological and human, by way of innovation of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and by stimulation of education and research in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to do anything which is, in the widest sense of the word, connected with or may be conducive to the attainment of this object.