
Campuses as living labs for smart sustainable cities

07 Jun 2016

The fourth Climate-KIC Nordic Cities Workshop will engage our community in forward-looking and proactive solution-oriented discussions about campuses as living labs for sustainable urban development. 

Universities play a significant role in forging the path to a sustainable future. As property owners, they provide large-scale test beds for sustainable urban innovation, technologies, processes and services. Campuses are living labs that can inspire innovation and creative action in their own city and in cities around the globe by providing real-world examples of environmental, financial and social successes. The development of campus test-beds provides an opportunity to gain first-hand experience with cutting edge sustainable technologies, services and solutions for the entire city, at the same time creating healthier, cleaner, safer and more productive environments for university staff and students.

Who should attend?

City planners, architects, consulting engineers, contractors, university campus developers, real estate developers should join us for this ground breaking workshop. Come and engage with the Climate-KIC community in inspirational deliberation on coordinated climate action, and on coalition-building with an eye to project funding opportunities.

What is our aim? 

The workshop will provide an opportunity for an exchange of best practice and brokerage of new partnerships for cities, industries and universities across Europe working towards smart sustainable cities. 

A range of speakers will present their experience with and visions for innovative solutions to obtain better energy efficiency in new and existing building stock, mobility and transport planning, greenhouse gas emission accounting, resilience and biodiversity, sustainable behaviour and waste reduction, big data and data security – and the best business, partnership, procurement and investment models to achieve their high ambitions.


Tuesday 7 June: 

16.00-17.30 Site visit 

The guided bus tour starts and ends at Hotel Scandic Nidelven.

The purpose is to learn about the new NTNU campus development project in Trondheim.

Guide: Fredrik Shetelig, Dean at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, NTNU

18.00-19.00 Kick off networking cocktails at Hotel Scandic Nidelven

Wednesday 8 June: 

Nordic Cities Workshop on Campuses as living labs for smart sustainable cities

Venue: DIGS Innovation Platform. Located in downtown Trondheim, Olav Tryggvasons gate 30

Nordic Cities Workshop:

08.30 Registration and coffee

09.00 Welcome by Susanne Pedersen, Director, Climate-KIC Nordic

Moderator: Brian Kilkelly, Development Lead – Urban Transitions theme, Climate-KIC

09.10 Keynote presentations: 

Hilde Opoku, Deputy Mayor, Trondheim City 

Merete Kvidal, Campus Development Director, NTNU

09.40-12.00 Cooperation: Cities and Campuses: Inspirational cases from the Nordics and Europe 

Gertjan de Werk, Associate Director – TU Delft / LDE Centre for Sustainability, the Netherlands

Eetu Ristaniemi, Director, Real Estate Investments – Aalto University Properties Ltd, Finland

Zeno Winkels, Business Developer – Johanneberg Science Park / Chalmers, Sweden

Annemie Wyckmans, Acting Dean, Fac. of Architecture and Fine Art – NTNU, Norway

(coffee break at 10.20)

11:30 Panel Discussion

12.00 Lunch

12.45 What are the scalable, smart cutting edge innovations relevant for campus development and beyond?

Actual and visionary examples from the industry and service providers 

Nicholas Simmons, Director – Naked Energy, UK

Pernilla Hyllenius, Consultant in traffic planning, Head of business – Trivector, Sweden

Hans Joachim Motzfeldt, Senior Advisor & Public Affairs – Rockwool Norway

Lars Iversen, Business Strategist – Technoport Arena, Norway

14.20 Panel Discussion

14.50 Round up – moderator

15.00 Workshop ends

Practical information

Venues: Site visit will start from Hotel Scandic Nidelven, Havnegata 1, 7010 Trondheim, Norway

The workshop will be held at: DIGS Innovation Platform. Located in downtown Trondheim, Olav Tryggvasons gate 30.

Accommodation: We have arranged a special deal with Hotel Scandic Nidelven, Havnegata 1, 7010 Trondheim, Norway

Please quote:  block kode CLI070616_003

Language: English

Cost: Free of charge, including the optional site visit and Kick Off networking cocktails on 7 June.


Please sign up by midnight on 6 June 2016 by sending an email to: events@climate-kic-nordic.org

Give us your name, position and organisation and say which parts of the programme you would like to attend: Site visit, Kick Off cocktails, Nordic Cities workshop. 

Remember to tell us about any allergies or dietary restrictions. 

The workshop will be limited to 60 participants.

In collaboration with


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