
ClieNFarms online workshop: Climate-neutrality and food security

08 Jul 2022

On 8 July 2022, the first online public policy workshop of ClieNFarms will discuss solutions for climate neutral farming while ensuring food security.

On 8 July 2022, the first online public policy workshop of ClieNFarms will discuss solutions for climate neutral farming while ensuring food security.

The Horizon 2020 project ClieNFarms started in January 2022 and will test solutions for climate neutral farms. IFOAM Organics Europe is a partner of the project and is organising the workshop.

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Objective of the workshop

The war in Ukraine has put food security in the centre of the political debate.

While availability and affordability of food is a top priority for all, increasing production at the expense of the environment is not the solution.

 We need to make our food production systems less reliant from external inputs (fossil fuel, fertilisers, imported feed, etc.) and more resilient.

In this workshop, we will shed light on this debate and discuss solutions for climate-neutral farming while ensuring food security. Inevitably, we will also need to debate the EU’s dependence on feed and fertiliser imports as well as the need for dietary change and reduction of food waste.



  • Jacques-Eric Bergez, INRAE, ClieNFarms coordinator
  • Alexander Müller, TMG Think Tank for Sustainability
  • Nathalie Bolduc, Research Fellow, IDDRI



  • Herwig Ranner, Unit Environmental Sustainability, DG Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Eric Gall, Deputy Director, IFOAM Organics Europe
  • Patrick Pagani, Senior Policy Advisor, COPA-COGECA
  • Célia Nyssens, Senior Policy Officer for Agriculture and Food systems, EEB

More speakers and panelists to be announced soon.



  • Daniel Zimmer, Climate-KIC
  • Bram Moeskops, Research & Innovation Manager, IFOAM Organics Europe



10:00 to10:10: Welcome and introduction

10:10 to 10:50: Setting the scene

10:50 to 11:10: Q&A

11:10 to 11:20: Achieving climate-neutral farms: the contribution of ClieNFarms

11:20 to12:20: Policy debate

12:20 to 12:30: Conclusions and wrap up