
Climate-KIC’s ClimateLaunchpad and EIT RawMaterials’ Joint Boot Camp at DORP

15 Jul 2017

ClimateLaunchpad’s Boot Camp in the Netherlands will take place at the unique Welcome to the Village Festival in Leeuwarden, called DORP.

This year, Climate-KIC have teamed up with another Knowledge Innovation Community – EIT RawMaterials, to host two parallel sessions. One with 13 start-up teams from Climate-KIC’s ClimateLaunchpad competition, and the other with 10 start-up teams from EIT RawMaterials’ Business Idea Competition; presenting all attendees with a great opportunity to explore both KICs.

Three of the ClimateLaunchpad teams will stay for the whole DORP experience from 14 July 2017 until 24 July 2017. This constitutes an in-depth entrepreneurship week, in which start-up teams can work on their ideas and have the opportunity to test their ideas.

Climate-KICs ClimateLaunchpad

Part of the Ideator Programme, Climate-KICs ClimateLaunchpad is also called the Green Business Ideas Competition. We give entrepreneurial teams the tools they need to have the best chance of successfully starting their own green businesses. The teams learn how to create a rock-solid business plan and how to perfect their pitch along the way. ClimateLaunchpad kicks off with an intensive Boot Camp and follow-up Coaching Sessions. After the Boot Camp, participants are better able to focus on their business propositions, market segmentation and financial business models. They are also then ready to compete in the national finals on 5 September, where they have to convince the jury how great their business idea is. The jury will select the top 3 teams to win an all-expenses paid trip to the pan-European Grand Final of ClimateLaunchpad on 17 and 18 October 2017 in Limassol, Cyprus.

Worldwide competition

In 2017, the competition is open to participants based in Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom (England: Birmingham & London), and Ukraine. But we also have competitions running in Australia and Kenya!

The Business Idea Competition of EIT RawMaterials

This competition seeks innovative ideas from individuals, research teams, entrepreneurs and early stage start-ups for new products, processes and services in 3 categories:

  • Going beyond discoveries and intelligent mining. Technologies and solutions for improved and new mineral exploration, and for more efficient, safer and sustainable modern mining.
  • Optimisation of processes, recycling and circular economy. Technologies and business models for improved material production, materials supplied from secondary sources, recycling and for the implementation of a circular economy approach.
  • Substitution of resource critical and toxic materials and for optimized performance. New technologies or services that make it possible to substitute or use less critical or toxic materials in key industries. In addition, solutions for an optimised performance of materials and entire products will be supported. New approaches and solutions can be developed on an elemental, material, process, product, system, and service level.


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