Climate Science from Space
The Conference Climate Science from Space: Synergies for a greener innovation economy is organised within the frame of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher education, with the support of the European Commission.
The conference aims to help building bridges linking space and climate ecosystems, and to contribute to the European Green Deal and to a transition towards greener and climate resilient society and economy. This will be achieved by showing how space-based systems can improve daily lives and contribute to protecting our planet.
On April 22, from 10 to 11am CET, Climate KIC Chief Executive Officer Kirsten Dunlop will participate in the panel discussion: RESILIENCE TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES – ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION.
Other speakers include:
- PHILIPPE TULKENS, Acting Head of Unit Climate and Planetary Boundaries, DG for Research and Innovation, European Commission
- NUNO CARVALHAIS, Scientist, Leader of the Model-Data Integration Group of the Department Biogeochemical Integration at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
- CELESTE PEREIRA, Space Business Leader at Optimal Structural Solutions
- RICARDO GALVÃO, Professor at São Paulo University, Brazil
The full programme of the Climate Science from Space conference is available here.