
Community Week X Slovenia Deep Demonstration

Zoom & In-Person (Slovenia)
23 March 2023 form 9:00 am to 6:00 pm CET

Community Week X Slovenia Deep Demonstration | Circular Economy & Built Environment

Join us for a week of learning, co-creating and networking that will create usable insights for the Slovenian Deep Demonstration team and the challenges they face in helping Slovenia to develop the first fully circular economy.

Our Community Week is an excellent opportunity to expand your network beyond your region or area of expertise and connect across Europe and disciplines with people who share the vision of a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society with a circular, net-zero emissions economy by 2050.

Some events will be exclusive to Climate-KIC Community Members, while others will be open to the public. Only Community Members and special guests can co-create events, participate as panellists, and present projects. Community Members will also be prioritised when it comes to question time.

A more detailed agenda and the ability to register for each event will be available four weeks in advance, but register your interest by clicking “Yes” on the right column and clicking on ‘add to calendar’ to save the dates. To register you will need to be logged into ClimateHIVE. If you do not have a ClimateHIVE account please click through to signup.


*NB The Times Listed On The Agenda May Change, So Be Sure To Check Again A Day Before The Event

☕ 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM: Welcome | ‘Registration and Coffee’ | Climate-KIC staff & Boost team (online) 

Collect your name tag, check your coat, grab a coffee and start connecting with other guests before finding your seat for the day of events. 

🔦 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Special Experience| ‘Seeing the Light at the End of the Tunnel’ | Uroš Zajec

Walk with other guests through an immersive experience that will set the tone for the events.

🎤 9:30 AM – 9:45 AM: Welcome | How to Prototype the First Circular Nation in the World | Andrew Green 

Climate KIC Community Host, Andrew Green, welcomes guests in-person and online, sharing updates on the agenda, housekeeping tips, a reminder about our ClimateHIVE platform, what the Community is, and why we are all here for today’s event. 

🌍 9:45 AM – 10:10 AM: Panel | ‘Why I aligned with Climate-KIC ’| Guests TBA

A panel discussion with representatives of different size organisations who have chosen to align with Climate-KICs view of using systems innovation about why they believe in this vision and what they feel is the unique value that Climate-KIC brings. Panellists are also encouraged to share where Climate KIC should go next and improve. 

⭕ 10:15 AM – 10.40 AM (25min): Round Table | ‘Discover the opportunities in the Slovenia Deep Demonstration?’ | Bart Stegeman – Slovenian Orchestrator – Circular Economy and Value Chains Transformation at Climate-KIC, Edo Sternad – Slovenian Dutch Business Platform and other guests TBA. Moderated by Andrew Green. 

Some of the main stakeholders in the Slovenian Deep Demonstration convene for an open talk to give guests an understanding of the Deep Demonstration objectives and methodology. The conversation then explores where the opportunities may lie for the coming stages of the project for organisations within and from outside of Slovenia.  

♻ 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM: Workshop | Circular Futures Workshop – Imagining where to next & how to use Systems thinking to get there | Inna Chillik – Sensemaking Lead at Climate-KIC 

Visions are often constrained by budget or political cycles, so in this workshop, we reflect on the current state of the Built Environment in Slovenia, which was crowdsourced in a member-only event earlier in the week, and throw open the doors to our imagination about where the Built Environment in Slovenia could get to with regards to circularity. And throughout this process, be guided in how to think in systems rather than in a reductionist way. The outcome is a broader view of what might be possible. 

🌲 11:35 AM – 12:30 PM:  Mixed mini-lectures & Round-table | ‘Title’ | Guests TBA

Led by Climate KIC Community Member SDBP, this session looks at the role of Wood and Bio-based materials in the Circular Construction Industry. The three mini-lectures explore; the ClickIn-ClickOut concept of circular construction from wood and bio-based materials without waste and calculation of circularity, the Latest trends in circular construction, and European networks for faster knowledge transfer on new best practices. The mini-lectures are then followed by a round table of the guests who were featured earlier.

🍽 12:35 PM – 1:25 PM: Lunch Break | ‘Lunch over Ljubljana’ | Open (no activity online) 

Enjoy lunch from the Castle, connect with other attendees, and recharge for the afternoon sessions.  

🚀 1:30 PM – 2:25 PM: Mixed: Mini-Keynotes & Round Table | ‘Solutions, Startups & Scaling’ | Mido Talhouni & Special Guests

Start digging into potential solutions and relevant startups in the ClimateSAFE program and get insights from regional investors. 

  • Introduction to Climate-KIC entrepreneurship programs in Slovenia

  • 2x Startup presentation on circular economy and built environment solutions

  • 2x Investor profile: ‘Why are you excited about investing in Slovenia? Circular economy/Built-environment?’

  • Panel between 2x startup founders, 2x investors and 1x Policy Maker  

☕ 2:30 PM – 2:55 PM: Break | ‘Connect over Coffee’ | Open (online is randomised breakout rooms) 

Take a moment to recharge and then connect with other attendees on what you have seen and learned before re-joining for the final two sessions that open up other opportunities with Climate KIC and other members. 

3:00 PM – 3:25 PM: 

🤝 3:15 PM – 3:55 PM: Round Table | ‘Deep Learnings from Deep Demonstrations’ | Carolina Giraldo Nohra Designer & Producer Deep Demonstrations Climate-KIC, and guests from Irish Deep Demonstration, Gipuzkua Deep Demonstration, and Net Zero Cities.

Practitioners of place-based systems innovation projects come together to enlighten each other and the audience on what’s been learned through experimentation and what is possible in the coming months and years. 

🎤 4:00 PM – 4:25 PM: Key Note | ‘Your View on the Day’ | Andrew Green & Submissions from Audience 

Host Andrew Green will crowdsource reflections from the day and present highlights from all sessions to help attendees package takeaways and opportunities. 

🥂 4.30 PM – 6:00 PM: Networking Drinks | ‘Connect over Canapes’ | Open  

Close the day by sharing drinks and light snacks with other attendees, sharing ideas, connecting, adding to the content shared throughout the day, and finding pathways for collaboration. 

Contact: community@climate-kic.org.