
Masterclass: Get Ready for Investors with Jordi Montserrat

16 Feb 2015

This two-day Masterclass addresses the financing process of start-ups

How entrepreneurs organize their company financially is one of the most critical decisions that they will make during the course of their start-up, whether bootstrapping or financed by investors.

The structure of their financing will be one of the key drivers of their financial return from their venture. Being able to craft solid financials and fundraising strategies are indispensable skills for any growth-oriented entrepreneur.

The class is built on a hands-on approach to support participants in stress testing their financing strategy to ensure the best alignment with their business opportunity and capital needs.

Who should attend?

This Climate-KIC Masterclass is open to stage 2 and stage 3 start-ups who are following the Climate-KIC Acceleration Programme.

The Masterclass will focus on gearing participants with the essential knowledge, skills and tools to successfully execute their financial strategy.


The course objectives are reached when the participants:

  • have finalised their financing process planning and identified critical milestones
  • are at ease with key financial statements, in particular Profit and Loss and Cashflow Statement
  • have identified the necessary assets (teaser, pitch, business plan, … ) required to execute a financing round
  • have identified key financial sources to support their start-up and how to address them
  • understand the main methods of company valuation
  • understand the terms and conditions involved in financing as well as investors’ preferences
  • are familiar with financing deal structures and negotiation
  • understand financing options specifically open to climate entrepreneurs and how to address these


Please register individually for this Masterclass. You can register here.

Tuition Fee

Climate-KIC start-ups have free access to this Master Class. Travel costs will be reimbursed by Climate-KIC up to 200 euros per person. All participants have to pay and arrange their own accommodation. Please note that there is a 500 euro no-show fine for this Master Class. Please read the full Code of conduct.

For companies not following the Climate-KIC Acceleration Programme, the tuition fee for this Master Class is 1500 euros per person.

Please wait with arranging your travels should until you have received your official confirmation of participation per email.


The event will take place in Paris, France. Detailed information about the venue, hotels and route description will be provided upon confirmation of your participation.


Prior to the course, participants should have established the draft of their financing strategy and started to identify potential financing sources.

The following book is also strongly recommended: “Raising Venture Capital for the Serious Entrepreneur”, Dermot Berkery. Although the masterclass will not focus on venture capital financing, it provides a strong basis for understanding the necessary elements for a successful fund raising strategy.

Jordi Montserrat

JordyFor the past 15 years, Jordi has been active in the high-tech scene, contributing to the development of innovative businesses.

He is currently active at IFJ AG, a company leading major start-up support initiatives at the Swiss national level, such as venturelab – which offers national start-up training program – and venturekick – a pre-seed fund for innovation entrepreneurs which has financed more than 250 start-up projects in the past 5 years across all sectors, which have cumulatively raised more than USD 350 mio.

As venturelab professor, Jordi trains at major Swiss Universities, including the Swiss Technology institutes (ETH, EPFL) and the University of St Gallen. He also acts as business angel in several start-ups, is Chairman of Logifleet SA and Imina Technology SA, as well as member of the strategic Council of IDIAP.

Jordi holds a Master degree of the Swiss Institute of Technology in Environmental Engineering as well as Master in Management of Technology. He fluently speaks and writes French, Spanish, English and German.

Stefan Steiner

SteinerStefan Steiner combines the experience as entrepreneur, investor and portfolio builder. Currently managing Director of venturelab german speaking Switzerland, supports startups growing to , executing the vision of growing world class startups in Switzerland.

Previously Stefan was at Tamedia Digital (where the major Swiss media company groups its digital investments), where set up a structured deal flow process to invest in disruptive and scalable investment targets and positioned the media corporation in the international startup ecosystem.

As the COO of Questli, he handled the expansion to the US and set up the office for the venture backed mobile gaming startup in San Francisco. Stefan acquired global brands such as Unilever and LTUR travel as clients and was the main contact for the shareholders.

As the first employee at Redalpine Venture Partners, he led the dealflow for the venture capital fund and was looking for European investments in the internet sector. Together with the three general partners Stefan grew the team and organized road shows and fundraising events. He worked with portfolio companies including InSphero, Redbiotec, Acredis and Mediaclipping.

Stefan gained finance experience while working for Credit Suisse. He co-founded earlyhire.ch an online matchmaking platform for startup jobs, but he started his entrepreneurial career ways before with 16 when he founded his own internet agency. He studied at Zurich University of Applied Science and at European Business School in London.