Climate KIC at COP25
About us
Meet us at COP25
We’d love to see you at COP25 in Madrid, so please come and find us at one of the events listed below! Climate emergency is here and demand is growing for climate action that matches the scale and urgency of the challenge. ‘Innovation-as-usual’, which is typically siloed and focused on ‘supplying’ the market with technology-led solutions, is not delivering a 1.5 degree world. Innovation is essential, but not as we have been doing it. We need a new model of innovation to tackle climate change. We need innovation to catalyse systemic change. At COP25 we will be sharing examples of our work and hearing from members of our pan-European innovation community about the many different ways we can think and act systemically to address the global climate challenge. You can read more about our ‘systems innovation approach’ to tackling climate change here: Work with us to achieve net zero, in time.
Wed 4 Dec 2019
10:30 – 12:00
Disruptive technologies and the balance between impact and unintended consequences
EU Pavillion – Room Brussels
Emerging technologies have given the world unprecedented potential to address humanity’s most pressing challenges.
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The Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI) (i.e. Gold Standard and INFRAs our partners with others) assesses the landscape of emerging digital technologies to identify those most effective for operationalizing policy instruments of the Paris Agreement and accelerating progress to meet the 1.5 degree temperature limit. CLI launches the second edition of the Navigating Blockchain for Climate Action report, featuring progress from use cases including recommendations for further exploration, implementation, and scaling up. Climate KIC will talk about practical approaches, innovation models and frameworks for whole system transformation initiatives through connected portfolio-based interventions. This part of the session will provide a practical approach of how to deliberately design for change in high complexity environments to ensure solutions are maximized towards impact and not result in being long-term problems.
Wed 4 Dec 2019
13:30 - 15:30
Connecting the dots
FEMA -Feria de Madrid, Capacity Building Hub, Hall 4, Avda. del Partenón, 5
Join the interactive sprints on Digitalization & Blockchain, Climate Action and Education
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This workshop addresses several topics relevant to the overall architecture of the Paris Agreement and where blockchain and other innovative technologies will help accelerate climate action, eg, registries, digitizing MRV, renewable energy, and climate finance. The aim is to bring actors with diverse backgrounds together at COP, exchange learnings and build capacity to identify benefits and risks at the intersection of digitalization and climate action in order to support Paris Agreement implementation.
A meaningful debate on digitalization and climate action based on field experiences will be facilitated through an interactive World Café setting. Small moderated roundtable discussions will allow participants to dive deeply into topics of their interest and expertise. The workshop will also initiate a process to share knowledge and exchange experience beyond COP 25. All conclusions and reflections of this session will be made publicly available.
Read more here.
Thurs 5 Dec 2019
12:30 - 13:00
Press Conference: Youth Climate Action Innovation
UNFCCC space, Room MOCHA in Hall 4
…together with the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges and the Mohammed VI Foundation on Youth Climate Action. [toggle title=”About the event +”]
The world today is home to the largest generation of young people in history, 1.8 billion. Connected to each other like never before, young people are leading climate action by implementing mitigation and adaptation projects, proposing innovative solutions, driving social progress and inspiring political change, in urban as well as rural contexts.
Fri 6 Dec 2019
16:00 - 18:00
Deep Demonstrations side event | High-level Meeting for Climate Action and Systemic Transformation
Blue Zone, UNFCCC Pavilion
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Moderator: Felicity Spors, Head of International Relations Climate KIC
Part I – Toward Systems Transformation for Climate Action
Transformation in Time: Kirsten Dunlop, CEO of Climate KIC presents the organisation’s strategy for achieving net zero in time, through broad-based, transformative innovation.
Deep Demonstrations: Tom Mitchell, Chief Strategy Officer, Climate KIC will talk about Climate KIC’s Deep Demonstrations as 3D-spaces for systems innovation – with the aim of transforming whole cities, countries, sectors and value chains – and our role as orchestrator.
Financial Tools for Deep Demonstrations: Francisco Benedito, CEO & Co-Founder | Climate Blockchain Initiatives / Climatetrade / Climatecoin / STPN will talk about an opportunity in the framework of Article 6 of Paris Agreements.
Part II – Discussion
The moderator will discuss with participants issues such as:
- What are the most important levers of change to trigger systemic transformation?
- What are the key challenges to orchestrating systemic impact at European level?
- How can we enable the mindset change required to spur action as soon as possible?
- How can we ensure that transformative change happens at the speed we need?
- How can we fund this systemic transformation? What tools and mechanisms should be explored?
Next steps and Closure
Kirsten Dunlop
“Deep demonstrations are intended as inspirational examples of what is possible at the level of whole systems – including cities, sectors, countries and value chains – when innovation is orchestrated, collaborative and mission-led. They represent the ‘growth edge’ of our strategy for tackling climate change through innovation.”
Kirsten Dunlop, CEO of Climate KIC
Sat 7 Dec 2019
16:45 - 18:15
Measurement and attribution of climate contribution to financier
ROOM 3: Secretariat of the UNFCCC
To shift from incremental improvements to transformational changes in climate actions, financiers should be incentivised to conduct green investments.
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This requires the measurement and attribution of their scope 3 climate contribution, a complex task that raises several new and challenging issues.
Introduction of the subject: Massamba Thioye, Manager of Regulatory Development Unit, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Session 1
Measurement of financier’s contribution to the climate goals
Moderator: Kirsten Dunlop, CEO, Climate KIC
Session 2
How Green Bonds could best support the Paris Agreement
Moderator: Sue Reid, Vice-President of Climate and Energy, Ceres
Read more here.
Sun 8 Dec 2019
09:00 - 17:30
Development and Climate Days Workshops
Hilton Madrid Airport, Av de la Hispanidad, 2-4
At D&C Days we share learning experiences by engaging, being productive and having fun. More than 600 people have already registered to this exciting event supported by Climate KIC.
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The dynamic format encourages dialogue on a range of issues that link policy, knowledge and practice. Innovative approaches encourage participants to interact, challenge existing thinking and generate new ideas, leaving no one behind.
We welcome everyone at the frontline of sustainable development and climate agendas to join us at D&C Days, including practitioners, NGOs, grassroot organisation representatives, national climate leaders and policymakers at all levels. Climate KIC is one of the hosts of this event. Read more and register here.
Mon 9 Dec 2019
11:30 - 13:00
Turning commitments into actions: Catalysing systems transformation to prevent plastic pollution
UN Pavillion – Room 6
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Global plastics production has reached 400 million tons of plastics per year. If this continues GHG emission from plastics could reach 15% of the global carbon budget by 2050. Climate KIC and ASEF will present EU and Asian case studies illustrating different public/private GHG mitigation methods. Speakers include Climate KIC CEO Dr Kirsten Dunlop and guests from ASEF and the Peru Ministry of Environment.
Mon 9 Dec 2019
14:30 - 16:00
City Finance Lab and CPI Global Initiative
EU Pavillion – Room Brussels
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This event provides participants with an understanding of the role that innovative finance models can play in supporting the low-carbon and resilient urban transition. It draws on examples from the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab) and the Climate KIC City Finance Lab. Experts from cities, financial institutions and corporates will present an array of urban mitigation and resilience case studies and will explore how these case studies can relate to the Latin American Context through an interactive discussion. Speakers from Climate KIC as well as leading financial and public sector institutions will share their experiences with financial innovation.
Tues 10 & Weds 11 Dec 2019
All Day
Sustainable Innovation Forum 2019
Novotel Madrid Campo de las Naciones
Sustainable Innovation Forum 2019 (SIF19) will now take place on the 10-11 December in Madrid, Spain.
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At COP25, the 10th annual Sustainable Innovation Forum 2019 (SIF19) will build on the success of the last 9 years to deliver the most engaging, informative and wide-reaching Forum yet.
The first of the two days agenda will provide thought leadership, deep-dive discussions, capacity building and discussions on five key themes. These include Circular Economy, Energy Transition, Sustainable Mobility, Climate Finance, and the brand new Natural Capital.
Leading ministers, cities, multilateral organisations, investors, private sector vendors, and solution providers will reconvene on Day Two to continue discussions and debates on high-level policies. Content will focus on Climate-Tech & Innovation, and Heavy Transport, with structured and informal networking running alongside. There will be inspirational keynote speeches from leading experts, and the new formats Lightning Pitches and Solution Sessions will deliver crucial innovations and solutions to climate challenges.
The Sustainable Innovation Forum, hosted by Climate Action, has been a visible presence at the UN’s climate change negotiations for almost a decade. This includes playing a part in the historic 2015 Paris Agreement.
See the full agenda here.
Wes 11 & Thurs 12 Dec 2019
All Day
Building the information and technology infrastructure 4 enhanced global climate action
Exhibition Booth 14
How can we increase the capacities of all relevant stakeholders to measure, report, verify, evaluate and certify and incentivise climate action?
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Event confirmed. Details to follow.
Weds 11 Dec 2019
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Talk: Perspectives on new food consumption and production trends
Nordic Pavillion
Anders Wijkman, Chairman of the Governingboard of Climate KIC, is a renowned and inspiring leader in environmental and development issues. Join us for this special lunch talk discussing new perspectives on food consumption and production trends: is the future plant-based, circular and regenerative?
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There are limited seats for the event. For more information and the registration, please click here.
Hosted by Nordic Food Policy Lab, Nordic Council of Ministers
Weds 11 Dec 2019
14:00 - 15:30
Making the Circular Economy Happen
Nordic Pavillion
This side event will discuss the impact of the circular economy to the existing market econonmy in its present form.
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After the introduction of the concept of circular economy only few years ago the concept has gained a lot of attention and momentum. However, sometimes is seems to be dealt with as a quick fix that just needs to be implemented. But CE is not an easy fix. I.e. internalization of externalities in terms of environmental consequences is still not the new norm and the existing market economy in its present form simply cannot implement circular economy alone. Political leadership and policy instrument is needed.
Thurs 12 Dec 2019
11:00 - 12:00
Achieving Climate Justice through education
UNFCCC Global Action Hub
The Young Climathon in Chile: Short documentary and TED Talk Style Conference
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In the middle of the recent Chilean social movement, a team of experts immersed in the social and ecological problems of Linares, one of the poorest cities in the country, and with the support of Climate KIC and local NGOs, developed a full day session of co-creation of solutions for the green spaces’ inequality issues that the city faces. The session will show the outputs of this work, and how climate injustice can be tacked from below, from urban activism, and how the creative power the new generations can contribute to the solution