Climate KIC at COP26
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The COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, will take place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, UK.
The conference is set to incorporate the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the 16th meeting of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP16), and the third meeting of the parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA3). This conference is the first time that Parties are expected to commit to enhanced ambition since COP 21.
Climate KIC is leading or contributing to sessions related to climate innovation during COP 26 and is inviting you below to join virtually or meet up in person. You can also follow us on social media under the hashtag #SystemsChangeNow and discover our COP26 campaign.
Mon 1 Nov 2021
10:00 – 13:00 GMT
Launch of the UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub
Blue Zone, UNFCCC space
Climate KIC is a core partner of the UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub led by UNFCCC. The launch will dive deep into the reasons for starting this new global project, its objectives and opportunities.
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The Hub is a newly established initiative that promotes transformative innovations to deliver the required changes for a low-emissions climate-resilient future. It aims at fostering international collaboration and establishing a physical and virtual platform to expand the global innovation space to meet the current and future needs required to achieve the 1.5-degree Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement. The initiative is launched by the UN Climate Change and supported by core partner organizations such as Climate KIC, the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE), the European Commission, Mission Innovation, and the Open Earth Foundation.
The Hub will provide a global cross-disciplinary community of practice with a space, both physical and virtual, to share ideas and design climate solutions in a spirit of radical collaboration. Speakers will include governments officials at all levels, urban planners, digital technology companies, corporations, incubators, accelerators, scientists and researchers and many more from around the world.
You can join this session through the live link above. Please note, that no registration is possible and that the digital seats will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis to maximise the audience capacity of these sessions.
Tue 2 Nov 2021
10:00 - 17:00 GMT
Cities Sessions – UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub
Blue Zone, UNFCCC space
Climate KIC is a core partner of the UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub led by UNFCCC. The second day of the Hub consists of 8 sessions focusing on the challenges cities face that need to transform to carbon neutrality at record speed.
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A growing community of practice around systems innovation is seeking to galvanize with city and regional governments as a means of getting past the inherent and persistent limitations of established climate action by cities, which are profoundly limited by issues of agency to act, governance and policy for scaled implementation, economic circumstances that undermine capacity and institutional capabilities, and an appreciation among capital markets to accept new market structures to suit the imperatives of full decarbonization.
These challenges are immense, but through attention to building strong relationships based on trust, investing deeply in capacity and capabilities, and working alongside an intermediary with systems innovation expertise, cities have been able to embrace a new way of working. As we consider the insights gained from this early work, we can better inform actions of others through peer sharing while also creating new opportunities to discover transformative breakthroughs. The session will introduce participants to this work and create an environment for learning together.
Cities Session Programme
Moderated by Ole Tillmann
The Hub is a newly established initiative that promotes transformative innovations to deliver the required changes for a low-emissions climate-resilient future. It aims at fostering international collaboration and establishing a physical and virtual platform to expand the global innovation space to meet the current and future needs required to achieve the 1.5-degree Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement. The initiative is launched by the UN Climate Change and supported by core partner organizations such as Climate KIC, the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE), the European Commission, Mission Innovation, and the Open Earth Foundation.
The Hub will provide a global cross-disciplinary community of practice with a space, both physical and virtual, to share ideas and design climate solutions in a spirit of radical collaboration. Speakers will include governments officials at all levels, urban planners, digital technology companies, corporations, incubators, accelerators, scientists and researchers and many more from around the world.
You can join this session through the live link above. Please note, that no registration is possible and that the digital seats will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis to maximise the audience capacity of these sessions.
Tue 2 Nov 2021
14:30 - 15:30 GMT
Inspire, Inform, Innovate – EU Regional Climate Adaptation Opportunities for Climate Action
An official EU side event, this session will showcase action on the ground, demonstrating the opportunities that climate adaptation offers regions. Speakers include representatives from the European Commission, the EU Committee of the Regions, Climate KIC, the Glasgow City Region and Andalusia.
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This 60-minute virtual session is part of the EU Side Event programme. It brings together speakers from EU bodies in addition to regional and city representatives. The interactive panel discussion will showcase action on the ground, demonstrating the opportunities that climate adaptation offers regions for economic development, growth and nurturing well-being. Audience participation will be encouraged to understand the barriers and opportunities of embedding climate change adaptation in development agendas.
Wed 3 Nov
15:15 - 16:45 GMT
Adaptation and Resilience Solutions – the investment opportunity to grow
Blue Zone, Hall 5, Resilience Hub (Hybrid)
Climate KIC, in partnership with the CDC Group and with the support of BFA Global, the Lightsmith Group and UNDP will be hosting a pitching event for the most promising adaptation and resilience-focused start-ups from around the world, particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Join live stream Register here to join in person
[toggle title=”About the event +”]
The need for climate adaptation and resilience-building solutions around the world is significant given the climate emergency. Early-stage companies with technologies, products, and services relevant for building climate resilience to the effects of climate change in developing and emerging countries are increasingly coming to the fore. However, due to gaps in the innovation ecosystem, they typically lack adequate access to finance and the skills required to bring their offering to markets and reach an investment-ready stage.
To bridge these gaps, Climate KIC and the CDC Group have been partnering to scope and accelerate the development of promising ideas into scalable adaptation and resilience business solutions. In this effort, Climate-KIC has been working with local in country partners e.g., local incubators and accelerators.
The event will showcase early-stage companies offering innovative climate adaptation and resilience solutions in developing and emerging markets. Start-ups from Africa, Asia, and Latin America will pitch their solutions to an audience of potential ecosystem enablers, investors, policymakers, and other innovators. It will also host a panel discussion on how investors and innovators are helping them to grow.
more information to follow
Thu 4 Nov
11:00 - 14:30 GMT
OECD: Rural Regions – Realising the net-zero opportunity
Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park HQ, Balloch, Scotland
This official COP26 Side-Event aims to develop pathways on how the Rural Agenda for Climate Action – adopted by OECD’s Working Party on Rural Policy – can be put into practice. It will demonstrate how rural places can make the most of new opportunities in the transformation to a net zero economy, and facilitate exchange among stakeholders. The event will take place at Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park HQ in Balloch and will be streamed in the OECD Virtual Pavilion:
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This event is hosted by OECD and Scottish Enterprise, in association with UK and Scotland. It builds on the Rural Agenda for Climate Action, which calls for for a stronger role for rural policies to contribute to climate change goals, drawing attention to much-needed policy action in six areas: (1) capacity-building; (2) evidence base; (3) renewable energy; (4) land-use and ecosystem services; (5) circular and bio-economy; and (6) decarbonising transport. Following a high-level panel, Climate KIC’s Andy Kerr will provide the keynote intervention on the role of innovation to support rural climate action, which will be then be discussed by an expert group. The event will then split into three parallel sessions, on carbon saving from land management; taking renewable energy to the next level; and fostering the circular and bio-economy.
A live stream of the event will be available on the day.
Fri 5 Nov
17:00 - 18:00 GMT
Innovating Out of the Climate Crisis: How new technology can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The Engine Works, Glasgow | Virtual
Join Kirsten Dunlop, CEO at Climate KIC, John Springford, Deputy Director at the Centre for European Reform, Claus Stig Pederson, Global Head of Sustainability at Novozymes and Matthias Berninger, Senior Vice President Public Affairs & Sustainability at Bayer, at this session hosted by Bayer.
Join virtually RSVP to join in Person
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Climate change poses a significant challenge and opportunity to the world’s innovators, particularly in using new technologies to adapt to global warming. Rapid scientific progress through digitalisation and Life Sciences – from absorbing carbon or nitrogen from the air with biological processes for producing food or fertiliser to advancing sustainable production of cultivated meat and artificial protein – open new opportunities to tackle climate change.
Yet achieving scale for these new ideas, which aim to reduce greenhouse emissions as well as limit land use, remains a challenge. Pragmatic new policy frameworks must be developed while investments of public and private resources are needed to accelerate innovation. These cutting-edge technologies also require societal acceptance before they can be used on a large scale.
Sat 6 Nov
10:00 - 11:00 GMT
Circular Economy, Sustainable Industry
Blue Zone, EU Pavillion
The ECESP Coordination Group Members EIT Climate KIC, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, Generation Climate Europe, and OVAM invite you to this #EUCircularTalks at the UN Climate Conference COP26 in Glasgow on 6 November at 11:00 CET, to discuss how to integrate and upscale circular solutions into national climate strategies like the Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). The event will showcase inspiring stories from the community, business, and youth perspectives on how the circular economy contributes to climate targets. The discussion will include inputs from the Climate KIC Deep Demonstration in Slovenia.
Full programme Join Live Stream
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The “take-make-waste” model of production and consumption dominating our linear economy today is not only highly wasteful but also an essential contributor to climate change. Up to 45% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are associated with land management and the production of consumer goods, food, fashion, buildings, and other products used day-to-day. Cities, entrepreneurs, and youth organisations have already implemented circular solutions that can pave the way for a prosperous net-zero economy that is fit to meet the needs of the next generation.
A circular economy is based on three principles, all driven by design: eliminate waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems. This model replaces the ‘end-of-life’ concept by stimulating community-based, technological and/or behavioural innovations in all areas of our society. Circular solutions focus on economic value creation and retention with the resources we already have in use, helping us tackle global environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss.
The event will showcase inspiring stories from the community, business, and youth perspectives on how the circular economy contributes to climate targets.
Mon 8 Nov 2021
14:00 - 18:00 GMT
Food Systems Sessions – UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub
Blue Zone, UNFCCC space
EIT Food and Climate KIC are hosting a cluster of sessions focusing on the need to deeply transform the food value chains and consumption patterns in order to dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of the sector while meeting global health and nutrition needs.
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The sessions will take a holistic approach, from production to consumption, looking at issues of climate, health, biodiversity, resilience and regeneration which are all interrelated and need to be considered jointly in the transformation process. Taking a systemic view, it aims to identify how best innovation can transform whole value chains, improve consumption patterns toward healthier diets, embed food production in entire landscapes in order to manage the inevitable tensions between production and conservation activities, and finally how policies and private sector actions can integrate and benefit from these innovative approaches.
Food Systems Sessions Programme
Hosted by Ikenna Azuike
14:00 – 14:50 GMT
Session 1: Food systems transformation: taking holistic approaches
- Marcela Navarro, CEO, Project X
- Dr Andy Zynga, CEO, EIT Food
- Dr Kirsten Dunlop, CEO, Climate KIC
- Margaret N. Kim, CEO, The Gold Standard Foundation
15:00 -15:50 GMT
Session 2: Reducing the food production footprint through low-carbon practices, circular approaches and enhancing the soil carbon sink
- Cliona Howie del Rio, CEO, Foundation Earth
- Lisa Sweet, Head of Future of Protein, COVID Response, and Food-Health, World Economic Forum
- Barbara Baarsma, CEO, Rabobank (Carbon Bank)
- David Kat, Senior Vice-President , Wasteless
- Christine Brunel-Ligneau, Head of Sustainable Agriculture, Bayer
16:00 – 16:50 GMT
Session 3: How do we address key health and nutrition challenges within 1.5º?
- Saskia Nuijten, Director of Public Engagement & Communications, EIT Food
- Jane Liu & Aran Shaunak, Editor & Editor in Chief, FoodUnfolded
- Hanneke Feber, Global President Food & Beverage, Unilever
- Anthony Finbow, CEO, Eagle Genomics
17:00 – 17:50 GMT
Session 4: Broadening the view: landscape approaches to address the tensions between production and conservation
- Sara Scherr, President and CEO, EcoAgriculture Partners
- Joao Campari, Food Systems Program Lead, WWF International
- Stineke Oenema, Executive Secretary, FAO, UN Nutrition
- Andy Griffith, Head of Value Chain Sustainability, Nestle
- Jean-Francoisl Soussana, VP Environment, INRAE
The Hub is a newly established initiative that promotes transformative innovations to deliver the required changes for a low-emissions climate-resilient future. It aims at fostering international collaboration and establishing a physical and virtual platform to expand the global innovation space to meet the current and future needs required to achieve the 1.5-degree Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement. The initiative is launched by the UN Climate Change and supported by core partner organizations such as Climate KIC, the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE), the European Commission, Mission Innovation, and the Open Earth Foundation.
The Hub will provide a global cross-disciplinary community of practice with a space, both physical and virtual, to share ideas and design climate solutions in a spirit of radical collaboration. Speakers will include governments officials at all levels, urban planners, digital technology companies, corporations, incubators, accelerators, scientists and researchers and many more from around the world.
You can join this session through the live link above. Please note, that no registration is possible and that the digital seats will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis to maximise the audience capacity of these sessions.
Mon 8 Nov 2021
14:00 - 15:30 GMT
The leading role of regions in raising ambitions for adaptation and resilience
This Regions4 virtual side event will look at how regional governments contribute to raise ambitions on adaptation and are key to deliver climate resilient actions on the ground, looking at the lessons learnt and good practices from 5 years of experiences of the RegionsAdapt initiative, that can fuel the negotiations, and bring incentives for higher ambitions across levels of government.
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It will further reveal common challenges and provide recommendations for policymakers to guide the development and implementation of national, regional and local adaptation plans and strategies. Furthermore, it will show how mainstreaming adaptation through key relevant sectors can help accelerate ambition and how regional governments are working hand in hand with their national and local counterparts, fostering a multi-level governance approach for climate action.
RegionsAdapt is an official partner of the Race to Resilience and will present at COP26 a reinforced initiative. Climate KIC, also an official partner of the Race to Resilience, is a partner of this event.
Mon 8 Nov 2021
17:00 - 19:00 GMT
Climate Change Adaptation Lab: Resilient Regions and Good Governance
Blue Zone, Glasgow City Region Pavillion | Virtual
Hosted by the Government of California and the Government of Scotland, the Regional Adaptation Lab session will focus on topics around delivery mechanisms, governance structures, leadership, and engagement of key stakeholders within placed-based resilience building.
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What makes a place resilient to climate change? How are different regions approaching the challenges they are facing due to climate change? What does good adaptation governance look like? What can we learn from other approaches to climate change?
Join the Scottish Government, the Californian State Government, Adaptation Scotland and EIT Climate KIC as we explore these questions and more in our interactive Climate Change Adaptation Lab.
Wed 10 Nov 2021
14:00 - 18:00 GMT
Shelter Sessions – UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub
Blue Zone, UNFCCC space | Virtual
Shelter is one of the most essential human needs and at the same time one of the principal forms of expression of meaning, identity, safety and aspiration. Human shelter in its various forms – houses, offices, villages, cities, farms, factories, infrastructure – accounts for more than 70% of global emissions and is amongst the most at-risk elements of human existence from the effects of climate change, whether from storm surge and sea-level rise, from extreme rain and wind events, or water stress, heat impacts, insect plagues and wildfire. What we choose to do with our approach to shelter going forward holds the keys to our survival.
[toggle title=”About the event +”]
The Hub is a newly established initiative that promotes transformative innovations to deliver the required changes for a low-emissions climate-resilient future. It aims at fostering international collaboration and establishing a physical and virtual platform to expand the global innovation space to meet the current and future needs required to achieve the 1.5-degree Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement. The initiative is launched by the UN Climate Change and supported by core partner organizations such as Climate KIC, the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE), the European Commission, Mission Innovation, and the Open Earth Foundation.
The sessions in this Innovation Hub event will explore multiple perspectives, innovation ideas, research and insights, new businesses, movements and collaborations with respect to the choices and options we have to transform our ways of thinking about and creating or re-creating shelter – to protect ourselves, to protect our future and to regenerate the planet.
Our Shelter Sessions Programme
Hosted by Ikenna Azuike
14:00 – 14:50 GMT
Session 1: Shelter as human need and expression of identity
- Patrycja Slawuta, Founder and CEO, Self-Hackatho
- John Onians, Director, Sainsbury Centre for World Art
- Thomas Hubl, Author
- Cara Peek, Head of Innovation, The Cultural Intelligence Project
15:00 – 15:50 GMT
Session 2: Shelter as a climate adaptation and crisis action
- Alastair Parvin, Founder and CEO, Wikihouse
- Shigeru Ban, Founder, Shigeru Ban Architects
- Maarten van Aalst, Climate risk Director, Red Cross Red Crescent Centre
16:00 – 16:50 GMT
Session 3: Shelter as means to climate change mitigation and decarbonisation
- John Schellnhuber, Director Emeritus, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- James Drinkwater, Head of Built by Nature, Built by Nature / Laudes Foundation
- Marco Poletto, Co-Founder, ecoLogicStudio
17:00 – 17:50 GMT
Session 4: Planet as Shelter
- Bernhard Barth, UN Habitat
- Federica Di Palma, Professorial Fellow in Biodiversity, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia / Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President, Sectors at Genome British Colombia, Earth Biogenome Project
- Eva Gladek, CEO, Metabolic
You can join these sessions through live links that will be made available on this page shortly. Please note, that no registration is possible and that the digital seats will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis to maximise the audience capacity of these sessions.
Thu 11 Nov 2021
17:00 - 18:30 GMT
Forest and forest product innovation for an inclusive net-zero economy
Blue Zone, Nature Zone Pavillion | Virtual
Hosted by the IUCN, World Economic Forum and Climate KIC, in collaboration with WBCSD and The Forests Dialogue, this session will focus on how sustainable working forests and forest products play an important role in climate change mitigation and can help to accelerate the transition to an inclusive net-zero economy. It will explore three important pillars: one, the opportunities offered by the forestry sector to enable the global transition to a net-zero economy; two, the opportunity for forest products such as sustainable mass timber to help reduce the embodied carbon footprint of buildings and cities; and three, the role of sustainable forest management to enhance essential ecosystem services.
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This session will bring together leaders from the private sector and civil society to discuss how this can be done in a way that requires investment and innovation from many different sectors but also ensures that this is done in an inclusive way, and with integrity – for people, for nature, and the climate.
- Opening remarks: Gonzalo Muñoz, Founder, TriCiclos
- Moderator: Chris Buss, Director – Forest Conservation Programme, IUCN
- Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council
- Josefina Braña Varela, Vice President and Deputy Lead – Forests, WWF
- John Kornerup Bang, Senior Vice President – Sustainability Transformation, Stora Enso
- Ara Erikson, Vice President – Corporate Sustainability, Weyerhaeuser
- Kirsten Dunlop, CEO, Climate KIC
- Paul King, Managing Director – Sustainability and Social Impact – Lendlease Europe, Lendlease
1 - 12 Nov 2021
Partner Sessions at COP26
Glasgow | Virtual
The partners of Climate KIC are also leading or contributing to independent sessions related to climate innovation during COP26 and are inviting you to join virtually or in person: