Climate KIC at European Week of Cities & Regions
Climate KIC will be participating in several events at this year’s premier gathering of European cities and regions in Brussels, including a TED-style talk from Chief Executive Officer Kirsten Dunlop on 11 October at 15:30-16:00. With the new Multi-annual Financial Framework taking shape, this is a critical time for those seeking to be Europe’s leading cities and regions in delivering their part of the Paris Agreement on climate, and to engage with policymakers and like-minded actors to place innovation at the heart of Europe’s climate action.
Members of the Climate KIC Community are invited to discuss ‘How can we accelerate climate innovation for cities and regions in the new Multi-annual Financial Framework?‘ – the subject of the talk which Climate KIC Chief Executive Officer Kirsten Dunlop will deliver 15:30-16:00, in Room 213 Building SQUARE – Brussels Convention Centre. You will need to register through the Commission website for this. However, there will be a networking session ahead of this 14:30-15:30 in room 210 (circle 2) in the same building. Please contact if you plan to come along.
Below you will find our full list of activities at the European Week of Cities & Regions.
October 10: Smart Specialization EIT RIS Pioneers into Practice workshop.
Location: EIT House, Brussels
Time: 09:00-12:00, followed by an afternoon workshop session
Morning: showcase of Pioneers placements and projects. Afternoon: workshop. Pioneers is an education label and industrial mobility programme.
If you are involved in the Pioneers into Practice programme and would like to learn more about how you can incorporate smart specialisation elements into it, please contact to learn more and secure your spot.
October 10: Innovative Solutions for Transitioning Industry Regions
Location: Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU, Brussels
Time: 17:00-20:00
Climate KIC and its consortium partners would like to invite you to the “Innovative Solutions for Transitioning Industry Regions” event on Wednesday, 10 October 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. This evening event will bring together policymakers, regional representatives, industry professionals and businesses that aim to accelerate their transition pathways.
It will be a great opportunity to learn and discuss with key stakeholders working on transitioning regions, through best practice sharing on policy, technology and business models.
October 11: Smart Specialisation Masterclass with senior EU expert Professor Dominique Foray.
Venue: EIT House, Brussels
Time: 09:00-14:00
The target audiences for this masterclass are regional representation/liaison offices, smart specialization experts and practitioners, European Commission experts and regional policy and decision makers from all across Europe. Prof. Foray’s intervention will be followed by a question and answer session as well as a participatory exercise. Please sign up by emailing
October 11: Universities as engines for regional growth: Making a case for strengthening regional innovation ecosystems and overcoming innovation divide
Venue: SQUARE, Brussels Convention Centre 206
Time: 11:30-13:00
Please sign up by 28 September at the EWRC website: