
Future of Work (FoW): Alliance for good work in Mondragon Valley

July 16, 2020 @ 10am - 1pm CEST


The Debagoiena valley has the strength and ambition to deliver its own innovative response to the new challenges of the 21st century, through the broadening of a community model that has become a world reference. With the support of the Climate KIC deep demonstration methodology, the Debagoiena 2030 initiative will play its part in a European Just Transformation movement through community empowerment and an open ecosystem of innovation based on cooperation. Creating a sustainable Debagoiena is an enormous undertaking that can only be achieved through cooperation with public institutions, economic agents, educational stakeholders and civil society. In this context, there is a new network for sustainable development that emerges, DEBAGOIENA 2030 (D2030), as an open innovation system based on collaboration and empowerment, using processes and methodologies derived from social innovation to build a portfolio of diverse and interconnected prototypes.

Future of Work (FoW) has been identified as one of major challenges that Debagoiena’s society will have to face  when transitioning towards a more sustainable region (among others, such as Energy, Mobility, Education, Circular Economy, etc.)


Our mission is to connect and mobilize people, cooperatives and other socio-economic actors to co-create innovative solutions to the challenges of the green, digital and cultural transformations.  Our end goal: to ensure inclusive, meaningful and technology-enhanced work for all.


By 2030 Debagoiena will be recognised as an international reference of an innovative, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable economy ensuring good work for all.

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Welcome and setting the scene (9:30-9:45) 

Sharing of objectives of the day. Getting an idea of who is in the room and how to connect throughout the day.

Introduction speech (9:45-10:05) 

Inspirational speech on Future of Work challenges.

MONDRAGON experience (10:05-10:25)

FoW Alliance for good work in MONDRAGON Valley.  Strategy presentation.

Inspirational statements (10:30-11:00)

A panel of diverse stakeholders providing inspirational statements & examples about three selected topics around FoW.

Panel discussion (11:00-12:00)

Participants discussion and engagement around key challenges, opportunities, lessons learned and success factors.

ROOM 1: Re-Skilling for Just Transitions

Objective: To share insights and  solutions that can promote the continuous training of workers and the collaboration between education, research, development and innovation centers, companies and public agents to help people in their professional transitions.

ROOM 2: Transformation ecosystem

Objective:To showcase the impact of collaborative ecosystems and transformation dynamics to accelerate the many transformations that mature industries must undertake (green, digital, cultural) towards a future of work reality.

ROOM 3: New green jobs

Objective: Exploring the opportunity of generating new  jobs in sustainable industries and  in emerging sectors to respond to environmental and new social challenges, involving new knowledge and technologies.

Closing remarks (12:00-12:30)

Sharing feedback and summary of the panel. Closing and next steps.

About Mondragon

•  MONDRAGON is the foremost Basque business group and the tenth largest in Spain. The groups revenues total about 12,000 million, while its staff comprises 81.837 workers. The 268 companies and cooperatives in the MONDRAGON Group operate in such sectors as the manufacturing industry, finance, and retail, carrying out initiatives in the fields of knowledge, innovation, education and the promotion of new businesses.

•  MONDRAGON has more than 14,000 people working outside Spain in 7 delegations and 143 subsidiaries. The group´s innovative drive is channelled into 15 technology centres and into MU, the University of Mondragon, with more than 2.000 people working full time in R&D activities.

•  The MONDRAGON cooperative model encourages people´s participation and involvement with company management, as well as profit sharing and company ownership. The focus on people, cooperation and inter-cooperative solidarity is captured in the groups slogan, Humanity at work.

•  The Corporations Mission combines the core goals of a business organisation competing on international markets with the use of democratic methods in its business organisation, the creation of jobs, the human and professional development of its workers and a pledge to development with its social environment.