
Nordic Ideation Day I 2017

Ideation Day I 2017
27 Jan 2017

It is time to repeat last year’s success. On 27 January 2017, Climate-KIC Nordic will host the first Ideation Day of the year at DTU Skylab, and the Nordic Climate-KIC community is invited to submit their most innovative ideas. 

The purpose of Ideation Day is to develop and nurture the Climate-KIC community, which is crucial to facilitate collaboration on innovative projects with large potential climate impact. 

Ideation Day provides an arena for participants to:

  • Test their project and consortia ideas for climate innovation in a stimulating environment
  • Meet new colleagues, work together and discuss ideas  to begin forming consortia
  • Pitch their ideas in front of a jury
  • Potentially move their project forward with financial support
  • Become part of a more informed and closely connected Climate-KIC community

Limited awards will be available to support the further development of feasible ideas into full project proposals for future calls within the Climate-KIC Innovation Framework or for external project calls. 

Submit your idea 

Participants are encouraged to submit project ideas in advance, by 11 January 2017 at the latest.  Ideas are submitted through this form and will be shared with the other participants prior to Ideation Day. Please do not hesitate to discuss any idea proposals with Nordic Innovation Pipeline Manager Henrik Søndergaard prior to submitting it. 

Targeted Participants 

We welcome project and business developers, researchers, collaborators and other Climate-KIC partner representatives. Non Climate-KIC partners are also welcome to contribute to partner-driven consortia.

Assessment Criteria

Each  project awarded must be led by a Climate-KIC partner.  Non Climate-KIC partners must agree on a funding split with a Climate-KIC partner in order to secure funding. 

Assessment of project ideas will be based on the following priorities: 

  • Cross community collaboration in project team 
  • Feasibility of implementation
  • Potential climate impact
  • Demand identification
  • Quality and relevance of idea

Conditions for funding

Activities based on the ideas awarded need to be carried out before the end of 2017, pre-financed by the Climate-KIC Partner and reported to Climate-KIC in August 2017 in order to be reimbursed. This aligns with standard Climate-KIC procedure.

Activities for reimbursement are services from third parties related to the project, travel for team members, exhibitions, PR, consumables, coaching, software, labour, and so on. Do not hesitate to contact Henrik Søndergaard if you have additional questions. 

Reporting of results

A short final report of the project’s achievements will be requested by the Climate-KIC Nordic office by the end of August 2017 

Tentative Programme

Please note that this programme will be subject to change, as we are still planning the Ideation Day.

Thursday 26 January 2017




18:30 – 22:00

Aperitif and Dinner

Copenhagen (TBD)


Friday 27 January

 Venue: DTU Skylab, Diplomvej 373, 2800 Kongens Lyngby. Find your way.




8:30 – 09.00

Joint welcome and general introduction to the day

DTU Skylab Auditorium

9:00 – 09.30

Introduction to thematic poster session and preparing for pitch

DTU Skylab Auditorium

09.30 – 10.30

Coffee/tea and refreshments will be available

Parallel Poster presentation related to the four Climate-KIC Themes


Skylab work spaces and project rooms – details tbc

10.30 -12.00

Pitch preparation and networking 

Skylab work spaces and project rooms – details tbc

12.00 – 12.30

Lunch: buffet and networking


12.30 – 14:30

Pitching of projects and ideas

·         Using Poster as Media

·         3 minute pitch, 2 minute Q&A

Skylab Auditorium

14:30 – 15:00

Mingling  while the jury evaluate

Skylab Auditorium

15:00 – 15:30

Awards and team photos


Skylab Auditorium

15:30 – 16:30

Networking and Drinks

Skylab Auditorium


Sign up for Ideation Day here before 11 January 2017.