
Survey launch: European business attitudes towards climate change #JourneyToParis

03 Dec 2015

At this event, Climate-KIC’s survey on European business attitudes towards climate change “Sparking an innovation step change” will be presented.

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The event will take place at the Hub Culture Paris Pavilion in central Paris from 14:00 – 15:30.

Science has set the boundaries for an achievable 2°C trajectory by the end of the century. It requires an emissions reduction equivalent to cutting the combined carbon footprint of the USA and EU in their entirety by 2030!

To step up to this monumental challenge, we need business to break out of a cycle of business as usual incrementalism. We need to stimulate a step change in the creation and diffusion of transformational innovation.

Join us as we launch a new report on scaling up innovation to create value and sustainable prosperity for the global economy.


  • Bertrand van Ee, CEO, Climate-KIC, will welcome and share key insights from the report

Keynote address

  • Jose Maria Figueres, Chairman, Rocky Mountain Institute – Carbon War Room

Panel Discussion: Highlights of survey results

  • Jose Maria Figueres, Chairman, Rocky Mountain Institute – Carbon War Room 
  • Paul Simpson, CEO, CDP
  • Vincent Champain, Economist, Observatoire du Long Terme
  • David Croft, Global Sustainable Development Director, Diageo
  • Peter White, COO World Business Council for Sustainable Development


If you would like to attend this event please register your details here. Due to our enhanced safety process and a high demand for places you will be entered on to a waiting list before approval. You can assist us in this process by providing your professional email where possible.
Please be aware that photo ID will be required for entry to all of our events.

If you would like more information please contact COP21@climate-kic.org.