
Climate KIC at London Climate Action Week

London, United Kingdom
1-8 July, 2019

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has declared a climate emergency.

As part of London’s response to this, the first ever London Climate Action Week will be held from 1 – 8 July 2019.

Climate KIC’s CEO Dr Kirsten Dunlop will participate in a number of high-level events in the UK capital during the week (see below), to engage innovators in government, business and social movements in our systems innovation approach to climate emergency.

Our call to action:  We invite ambitious ‘problem owners’ – city and industry leaders, national governments, regulators and investors – to work with us to deliver transformative change in cities, industry, finance and land use. Find out more about our systems innovation approach to tackling climate change.  

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Unlocking the transformative potential of insurance for climate action

Workshop | 1 July 2019 | London

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Climate KIC are joining forces to explore how best to maximise the role of insurance – in building resilience to climate impacts and as a key driver of the necessary paradigm shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways.    

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Climate KIC and the Green Climate Fund will host a 1-day workshop in central London to bring together:

  • Insurance professionals: assets and liabilities, stock and mutual
  • Problem owners: government representatives, GCF Accredited Entities
  • Creative voices:  different perspectives and experiences
  • Systems thinkers: think tank, data/modelling, systems innovation

The overall purpose of this high-level workshop will be to:

  • surface leverage points and incentives to accelerate insurance sector engagement in the climate emergency
  • explore the demand and opportunity for a GCF insurance engagement window
  • design some structural and executional options for implementing transformational insurance from the practice and needs of problem owners (ie both governments and insurers)
  • identify transformative solutions to country and sector-driven climate challenges; and build ambitious partnerships in a diverse stakeholder community for the journey ahead.


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Insurers can be the heroes of this  new phase of climate action. Climate KIC’s CEO Dr Kirsten Dunlop will outline an ambitious role for insurers in the context of  complex climate risk. Dr Dunlop brings a background in the insurance industry, having joined Climate KIC in 2017 from Suncorp, an Australian financial services conglomerate, where she acted as Executive General Manager Strategic Innovation.

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Sink or swim: The Economist's Climate Risk Summit

High-level Summit | 2 July 2019 | London

Climate KIC is a sponsor of The Economist’s Climate Risk Summit taking place in London on the 2nd July 2019 and will lead discussions in a strategy session entitled Confronting the ‘New’ Normal, at 3pm.

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The window to address the climate problem is shrinking, raising both pressure and interest in creating smart sustainable solutions to address risk at every level, by both public and private actors. These include direct, indirect and transitional risks to supply chains, to public infrastructure, to investment portfolios, city services etc.

Our view is that focusing on creating point solutions – single sector, single technology, single geography, single asset class, etc – to address these risks whether in adaptation, financial transfer or risk reduction will not get us to net zero in time. Action will continue to be slow, limited, short-term and uncoordinated.

So how do we translate willingness into coordinated multi-stakeholder co-creation and action at a systems level? How do we overcome short-termism and set aside competition (or agree on pre-competitive scope)? How do we drive systems transitions for the scale we need?


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CEO of Climate KIC Dr Kirsten Dunlop, will discuss our ‘portfolio approach’ to addressing climate risk and the potential to ‘unleash’ risk capital for systemic change. We need to look at climate risk differently. We are accelerating towards tipping points, that take us beyond the realm of insurance, or the ability to measure and manage climate risk in a business-as-usual framework. Transformation is coming, one way or the other. When we accept that climate risk is part of a complex, adaptive system, it’s clear that traditional metrics and notions of risk reduction and reporting are not sufficient to address the problem. Instead we need to address risk by investing in positive, systemic change, focusing on the exciting opportunities that transformation provides for cities, businesses and citizens.

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Accelerating learning for climate solutions

Workshop | 3 July 2019 | London

London’s E3G, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), the Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and Climate KIC will host a workshop at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London on Wednesday 3rd July.

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This invite-only event will focus on the urgent need to integrate innovative learning solutions into climate policy and advocacy approaches. There is not enough time to build solutions from scratch at different times and in different places. Getting better at learning is mission critical for solving the climate crisis. We can draw from expertise not only from previous experience but also from other sectors, as well as the innovation, learning and collective intelligence community. This event will be an opportunity to articulate the strategic importance of learning, review lessons learned, highlight innovative new tools and platforms and discuss new directions and next steps.

We anticipate a diverse group from a mix of civil society, government, private sector and philanthropic community. The event will be held under Chatham House Rules to encourage an honest conversation about opportunities as well as challenges.


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Our CEO Dr Kirsten Dunlop will discuss  Climate KIC’s approach to learning and skills, which aims to achieve rapid learning across society in order to achieve transformation in time – including learning what works and what doesn’t within our own portfolio of projects.

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Climate Innovation Forum 2019

Forum | 3 July 2019 | London

The organisers of the Sustainable Innovation Forum (SIF) are delighted to convene the Climate Innovation Forum 2019 during London Climate Action Week. For over a decade, the SIF has been one of the largest official side events at the annual UN COP meetings.

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The Climate Innovation Forum 2019 will be the first in a series of regional events aimed at championing innovation to accelerate the zero carbon economy. Focusing on 4 themes – zero carbon energy, zero carbon buildings, zero waste, zero carbon mobility – the event will look to mobilise cross sector collaboration to develop – and deliver – innovative products, services and systems that can be scaled up on a city-wide, nation-wide and even global, level.

Climate KIC is participating in the Forum as an Institutional Partner alongside leading organisations such as the World Green Buildings Council and CDP.


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Dr Tom Mitchell, Climate KIC’s Chief Strategy Officer, will give a keynote on the importance of innovation and entrepreneurialism in tackling the climate emergency, and how change can be accelerated through whole systems approaches to tackling climate change. Our current model of innovation and entrepreneurialism is broken. It is not fit for the purpose of delivering the transformational changes we now need across every sector of society, to avoid catastrophic climate change. Continuing to invest in the supply of good business ideas into the market will not deliver transformation in time. Instead, our approach aims to shape demand for the system-wide solutions we so urgently need, and to better match good, innovative ideas and solutions to the problems facing our societies. 

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Designing Transformation Capital Workshop

Workshop | 3 and 4 July 2019 | London

Climate KIC in collaboration with the Oxford Martin School and the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment will bring together sharp minds and creative voices for a two-day workshop in London to start to design a new investment logic to address the climate challenge. 

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Transformation Capital is a design challenge convened by Climate KIC. We are tackling this challenge with systems thinkers, innovation practitioners, progressive investment professionals, and ambitious problem owners. The workshop therefore aims to:

  • Explore the need and opportunity for a new investment logic nestled within a broader approach of directional systems innovation
  • Develop the intellectual and conceptual underpinnings of Transformation Capital from the theory and practice of complex systems science
  • Design a Transformation Capital investment programme from the practice and needs of investors
  • Build a community of Transformation Capital Pioneers to develop the capabilities and structures required for prototyping the investment programme starting in the 2nd half of 2019


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The outcomes of the workshop will feed into the development of the Transformation Capital Initiative, whose mission will be to develop and prototype an investment programme capable of deploying capital with transformative effects starting in the second half of 2019.

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Emerging from Emergency

High-level Roundtable | 4 July 2019 | London

Climate KIC is teaming up with The Club of Rome, in partnership with ETC/SystemIQ, We Mean Business and E3G for a high-level roundtable to start to develop a toolkit for cities that have declared climate emergency.

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In practice, the climate emergency means nothing less than suspending business-as-usual and doing whatever it takes to achieve net-zero global emissions by 2050 at the very latest. The challenge now is to shift from merely sounding the alarm to giving policy-makers and the business community the policy tools and levers of change which genuinely respond to the emergency. This Roundtable aims to do just that, by acting as a convergence point between the two dimensions of the climate emergency space, by linking advocacy with action, convening activists, problem-holders and solution-providers.

The Club of Rome has published a Climate Emergency Plan to help shape discussions. As such, the roundtable’s overarching objective is to offer concrete solutions to the climate emergency; pragmatic takeaways which participants can then develop and implement in their respective fields of work, effecting genuine change at varying levels of governance and society. Real calls to action with timetables and targets. This is the key added value of the Roundtable, convening the disparate strands of the climate emergency and broader sustainability space in order to co-design solutions for genuine impact.


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Our CEO Dr Kirsten Dunlop will share practical insights from Climate KIC’s programme of ‘deep demonstrations’ and other on-the-ground examples of systems innovation. For example in our ‘Healthy, Clean Cities’ demonstration, we are partnering with ambitious city mayors and municipalities across Europe who are ready to design portfolios of innovation options to unlock a wholesale transformation across all city systems. Technocratic roadmaps and solutions will not deliver transformation in time. Instead we need to design large-scale experiments that harness the multiple factors that cause change in systems, and allow us to learn fast about what works and what doesn’t.

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