
Nordic Edge – Open Innovation Competition: Stavanger Smart City Hall

Nordic Edge
28 Sep 2017

In the run-up to the Nordic Edge smart city event in the Norwegian city of Stavanger, innovators are being asked to submit proposals to the Open Innovation Competition on how to transform the iconic Stavanger City Hall into a beacon of smart, sustainable city solutions. The innovators behind the best solutions in response to the call, launched by Innovation Norway, the Municipality of Stavanger and Climate-KIC Nordic, will be invited to pitch their ideas on the Expo Stage at Nordic Edge in Stavanger on Thursday 28 September 2017.

Stavanger’s City Hall is an iconic building right in the middle of the city centre. Opinions about its aesthetics are divided, yet its integration with the city centre, and having fulfilled multiple purposes throughout the years, means it has a special place in locals’ hearts.

Since its construction in 1960, the building has only undergone minor renovations. It is now time for a major upgrade, which shall include a complete replacement of the technical facilities. The Municipality of Stavanger wants to transform the City Hall into a beacon of smart, sustainable solutions.

Ambitions for the building go beyond simply serving the needs of those working there. As well as making visitors and city residents feel safe and welcome, the aim is for the City Hall to become a cutting-edge example of smart sustainability in terms of technology, energy management, and circular solutions.

Event Programme

Please see the agenda here. 

The Open Innovation Competition

The Municipality of Stavanger, Innovation Norway and Climate-KIC are therefore launching an Open Innovation Competition to source ideas as to how such a renovation can be carried out.

The competition requests proposals tackling the main steps to be included in a feasibility study for the renovation. The proposals should answer one or more of the following questions: 

  • How to produce, use, reuse and manage energy to best suit the needs of the building?
  • How to secure the resilience of the building facing future challenges brought on by climate change (i.e. higher precipitation, more and stronger wind)?
  • How to minimise the building’s waste production through its renovation, our usage of it throughout its lifetime, as well as when it is eventually torn down? 

Please note that a formal decision to renovate or conduct a pre-renovation feasibility study has not yet been made. At this stage, what is sought are ideas as to what main steps should be included in a potential feasibility study, if decided upon.

Pitch Event at Nordic Edge

nordic edge

The people behind the best proposals will be selected to pitch their solutions on the Expo Stage of Nordic Edge on 28 September 11:00 – 13:30

Nordic Edge is the leading smart city event in the Nordics and attracts approximately 4,000 politicians, decision-makers from the private and public sectors, investors and smart city professionals from all over the world. 

How the competition works

The selected innovators will be notified on Thursday 21 September 2017 and invited to pitch at Nordic Edge. Travel costs for one presenter per accepted proposal will be reimbursed by Climate-KIC in accordance with the terms and conditions provided (see the Competition Manual).

At Nordic Edge, the pitching will take place from 11:00 to 13:00 before a jury consisting of representatives from Innovation Norway, the municipality of Stavanger and Climate-KIC. 

Proposals pitched will gain significant exposure with high-profile jury members, Nordic Edge visitors and exhibitors. 

The winning proposal will receive professional advice and assistance by Innovation Norway and Climate-KIC during Nordic Edge on how best to progress with turning their idea into reality.

The competition manual, proposal template, further information about the site and frequently asked questions are available for download from the tabs below. 


[toggle title=”Press Coverage, Images and Social Media” opentext=”more” closetext=”close” status=”closed”]

Press Coverage 

Stavanger Aftenblad (29 Sep 2017) Read it here!

Rogalands Avis (30 Sep 2017) 

Social Media


Facebook event

LinkedIn Article (27 Sep 2017)


Photo album

Event documents

Event agenda

Last updated 11 October 2017


[toggle title=”Competition Programme” opentext=”more” closetext=”close” status=”closed”]

1. Open for submissions

5 September 2017

2. Deadline for submission of solutions

18 September 2017

3. Announcement of the innovators selected to pitch at Nordic Edge Expo 2017

21 September 2017

4. Pitching at Nordic Edge Expo

28 September 2017


11:00 – 13:00

5. Presentation of winner

28 September 2017


13:00 – 13:30


[toggle title=”Site description and supporting documents” opentext=”more” closetext=”close” status=”closed”]


Last updated 6 September.


[toggle title=”Webinar” opentext=”more” closetext=”close” status=”closed”]

Climate-KIC hosted a webinar for interested parties Friday 8 September 11:00 – 12:00 CET. Interested parties were invited to take part if they wanted to raise questions about the call for proposals. 

Please find a recording of the webinar here. 


Last updated 13 September.


[toggle title=”Competition Manual and Criteria” opentext=”more” closetext=”close” status=”closed”]

The Competition manual contains further information about; competition objectives, specifications and criteria, important dates, IPR and other legal issues, the structure of the process and how it will be managed.

We highly recommended that you read this document carefully before submitting a solution. Please download the Competition Manual.


The proposals will be judged according to the following criteria. Economic and technical feasibility are vital components of a winning proposal.

Feasibility – how likely is it that the solution can be implemented?

  • Technical feasibility, economic feasibility, replicability

Innovation and genius – is this solution novel and a unique breakthrough?

  • Level of creativeness and of innovativeness

Use and function – how will the solution work and be perceived on a daily basis?

  • Functionality and attractiveness, form and design

Social sustainability – are social, circular and sustainable considerations, impact and effect described?

  • Creating social cohesion, creating job possibilities, sustainable solutions

Last updated 6 September.


[toggle title=”Submission Form” opentext=”more” closetext=”close” status=”closed”]

All solutions must be presented via this submission form by 18 September, 9 am. Submissions that are not sent via this route will not be considered. 

Last updated 1 September.


[toggle title=”Q&As” opentext=”more” closetext=”close” status=”closed”]

Q: Should a solution proposal focus on a single aspect of the challenge, or several of them (i.e. electronics, circular systems, smart facility management)?

A: Any proposed solution may focus on a single challenge or multiple ones, in an integrated, systemic way. It’s up to you and your capabilities! The number of challenges your solution addresses does not affect its chances of being selected to pitch in September. Rather, it is its quality of your proposal and solution which will be evaluated. 

Q: How can I get more technical information about the building?

A: Please check out the site description in the above tab. If you need more detailed information, please get in touch with Project Lead Jakob Stolt

Q: Who can apply?

A: Anyone with a solution proposal is welcome to apply!

Q: What ventilation system is installed in the building?

A: There are two ventilation systems on the 1st floor. These are from the year of construction and cover the 1st and 2nd floor.

There are three facilities on the 2nd floor:

– One plant only supplies air and covers the 3rd and 4th floors

– One plant covers the 5th floor, this is from 1995

– One plant covers small plenum hall on the 5th floor, this is from 1995.

There is one facility on the 8th floor. This covers the 6th-8th floor and is probably from the 80’s.

There is a cooling system on the roof.

There is a small fan that is extracted from a toilet on the 6th to 8th floor (possibly down to the 3rd floor)

Q: What services are provided by the City Hall for visitors?

A: The actual use of, what audience and what services the new city hall will provide, is still undecided. The municipality has still thought about the use of the building in this early phase. The building will be opened and made more accessible to the public. We currently have a service desk for users in another building. This might be moved to the city hall. The current set-up is a front desk that is manned by two staff – this might stay the same, but with electronic solutions, we might be able to reduce the number of people working there.

The service desk will still provide a lot of information and might take the shape of a library and information desk. Unfortunately, it is still too early in the process to give more specific information by we appreciate any good ideas on how to make the new city hall more accessible to our citizens.

Q: What is the current source of energy to electrify the building?

A: Part of the building is warmed with electrical heaters. The other part is heated using water-borne thermal energy from a new energy centre that produces renewable energy from sewage. After the building is renovated, all the heating will come from this energy centre.  

Q: What are the ICT facilities available in the City Hall, e.g.: high-speed internet, local server?

A: Normal office standard, but the system is a bit dated. All computers are run from the municipality servers.

Q: What data exists showing total annual energy consumption in the building?

A: The numbers for the last four years. There are two energy meters: electricity and added heat from the energy centre in OK19 (OK19 is the building next to City Hall. This is a public indoor bath and is currently being renovated).


City Hall








579 378

404 180


569 397

341 530


619 646

405 380


594 940

384 249


Q: Is a technical description of all components in a new energy solution required, or should it be described briefly (why/what/how)?

A: Preferably briefly, but central issues could be highlighted.

Q: Are references in the proposal supposed to be included in the maximum 4 pages, or as an addition?

A: As an addition, but keep these to a minimum, otherwise see item 10 in the submission form.

Q: Does the committee prefer that pictures/figures etc. are included in the main text of 4 pages, or as attachments?

A: As attachments, see item 13, 14 and 15 in the submission form.

Q: Is a front page of the project one of the 4 pages allowed?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you require CVs from the participants or potential suppliers of i.e. solar panels or heat pumps?

A: No, but see item 4 and 9 in the submission form.

Q: Is today’s heating delivered from an entirely electric system?

A: There are two energy meters: electricity and added heat from the energy centre in OK19 (OK19 is the building next to City Hall. This is a public indoor bath and is currently being renovated).

Last updated 15 September. 


[toggle title=”Press Kit” opentext=”more” closetext=”close” status=”closed”]

Soon to be made available:

Invitation Email

Press release in English

Press release in Norwegian 

Last updated 27 September.


Further information and questions concerning the competition

Please get in touch with:

Jakob Stolt, Senior Project Manager at Climate-KIC Nordic

All submissions must be made by 18 September 2017


Supported by:

Innovation Norway

Organising partner: 


Stavanger Kommune