
Nordic Ideation Day 2019

Lund, Sweden
16 Jan 2019

Catalysing Nordic climate action

Climate KIC Nordic’s Ideation Day brings together and strengthens the Nordic climate action community. Cities, universities, start-ups and companies combine their knowledge and expertise to find solutions to climate challenges. Based on our collective expertise and Climate KIC priorities, the first Ideation day of 2019 splits participants in two parallel tracks with their respective challenges.

During this biannual event partners and other innovators come together to co-create innovative project ideas to tackle climate change. With a strong focus on partner collaboration, this Ideation Day enables participants to engage with others with common thematic interests in a quest for innovative solutions. This edition is hosted by Lund University and made possible thanks to the support of Trivector, E.ON, Projektengagemang, RISE and City of Malmö. Read more about the structure further below.

Tracks and Challenges

Track 1: Circular Economy in Basic Materials

Our societies are literally built on basic materials such as metals, glass, concrete, and plastics. The production of these materials puts additional strain on already overused and degraded ecosystems and it also demands large amounts of energy, resulting in substantial greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental consequences. Climate-KIC’s theme Sustainable  Production Systems and its Impact Goal number 7, Recast Material Production, stress the importance of a circular economy for materials. For metals, end-of-life solutions work relatively well. Current solutions for recycling plastics and glass result in qualities which are actually far from that of virgin materials; however, new recycling technologies are reaching the market. Concrete, on the other hand, cannot be recycled, or more precisely, can only be recycled with very low value capturing. In line with the EU Waste Hierarchy, we would, therefore, encourage solutions with a focus on an upstream waste prevention in the value chains. In addition, we are also looking for ideas and solutions within the subject “Circularity of plastic-based material systems and dematerialisation of plastic demand” with focus on: a) Eco-design approaches that aim at achieving changes in current manufacturing practices, and; b) Digital technologies and Industry 4.0 solutions fostering interoperability of data and circularity of plastics value chain.

Track 2: Policy and Organisational Innovations for Urban Transitions

Cities are at the core of the necessary transition towards a low-carbon society. Within Climate-KIC’s theme Urban Transitions, activities focus on the areas of Deep Retrofit, Greening Cities and Clean Mobility. Besides the technical innovations, the urgent transition required to achieve climate targets is equally dependent on policy innovation to foster change. During this Ideation Day, we will focus on those innovations that support organisations in achieving the mentioned transition. This can include policies, organisational tools, management tools and models for collaboration. And, it raises the questions: what are the needs in cities? Who needs these innovations? What good examples are there that could be scaled up?

Pitching and Awards

During the day participants work in interest-based groups on project ideas which are then pitched in front of a jury. The best proposals will be awarded from a pot of EUR 150.000, which serves a starting point for further development of the innovative idea. 

Who is the Nordic Ideation Day for? 

The event is open to all employees of Climate KIC partners as well as current and future collaborators. This day is equally geared towards cities, companies and universities. Collaborative projects between these three stakeholder groups are strongly encouraged.

This is an excellent opportunity to get to know the Climate KIC Nordic community and co-create climate solutions with other experts and professionals.

Practical Information


Registration will close on 20 December 2018

Register Today

From the last Noric Ideation Day

Have a look at this inspiring video from last Ideation Day held in Trondheim on 29 August 2018!


Since 2016 Climate KIC Nordic has hosted biannual Ideation Days, inviting its community to get together and work on innovative project ideas. The track record is impressive, with 70 per cent of awarded projects proceeding to enter our innovation pipeline or receive funding from other sources, accelerating their way towards real climate impact.

We hope that by getting to know each other, we will learn how to work better together, and maximise our climate impact as a community.

Funding Eligibility of Resulting Project Ideas

All projects must offer a minimum of 25 per cent co-funding by an Climate KIC partner.

To unlock the funding awarded to the winning projects, it is necessary that the consortium behind an idea submit a formal proposal to Climate KIC within two weeks after the Ideation Day. This does not mean that the idea will be re-evaluated, it is rather a formal issue of submitting the correct information to the EIT. For this reason, we will provide a a webinar with guidance as to how this is done after Ideation Day.