
Nordic Partner Day 2019

Nordic Partner day
Malmö, Sweden
17 Jan 2019

Join us to leverage the Nordic climate action community!

The Nordics are world leaders when it comes to tackling climate change, within academia, business and cities. However, in order to achieve systemic change, it is essential to leverage our collective strengths as a climate action community.

Join us for the Nordic Partner Day where we will explore how to achieve our common goals. Our ambition from this 1-day event is to provide participants with inspiration in order to move forward collectively with innovative projects and fruitful collaborations.

Why participate in the Nordic Partner Day?

  • Meet the Nordic climate action community
  • Talk to potential collaborators
  • Learn about and be inspired by others’ work within climate innovation
  • Networking and share ideas in order to develop future collaborations

Who is the Nordic Partner Day for?

The Partner Day is open to all representatives of Climate KIC partners. We strongly encourage everyone with an interest in supporting or contributing to multi-disciplinary, innovative projects aimed at fighting climate change, to participate in the Partner Day.

The event is organised in partnership with the Municipality of Malmö.

Practical Information

  • Agenda
  • The event will take place at the City of Malmö
  • Please note that all Nordic Partner Day attendees are invited to an evening reception hosted by our partner Trivector on 16 January at Trivector’s Head office in Lund. Here the prizes from the Ideation Day will be awarded, and participants from both days will have the chance to meet. 


Registration will close on 20 December