
Rating investment funds according to climate impact: COP21 side event #JourneyToParis

05 Dec 2015

CLIMPAX, a new innovation project supported and financed by Climate-KIC, aims to rate all investment funds according to their climate impact.

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The event takes place on 5 December 2015 from 9.15 – 10.45 at the OECD Pavilion in Le Bourget.

The projects works together with leading finance industry players to develop a climate impact ranking system and bring that to the financial market. The product will be able to answer the rapidly growing need to support the climate conscious decision-making in the global finance sector.

The project team is made up of world leading institutions in the fields of climate change reporting, carbon footprinting and sustainable finance research: CDP, the South Pole Group, University of Hamburg and Henley Business School in Reading.

The CLIMPAX fund rating enables:

  • Private investors for the first time to compare funds according to their climate impact.
  • Fund selectors to easily pick climate friendly funds.
  • Fund managers to measure, disclose and improve the climate impact of their portfolios.
  • Companies to better communicate with fund managers

The panel discussion at this event will give insight of the project activities and method of rating all investment funds according to their climate impact.

For more information about this event, please contact us at COP21@climate-kic.org.