SPARK! Lecture: Innovating design and manufacture – the importance of re-shoring
Why re-shoring is essential if we are to thrive and survive.
Mark Shayler changes the way businesses think and work. Part environmental crusader, part executive coach, part creative director. Mark has been working on green stuff and innovation, developing better products and improving businesses, since 1989. Mark works with massive clients like Nike, Coca Cola, Proctor and Gamble, Samsung, Colgate, Mars, RS Components and some really small clients too.
Design is a superpower than can turn things around.
Mark has used eco-design to save his clients over £120 million and designs products, packaging and services. He forecasts trends, and works on innovation. He runs a project called Rebel Cell that sees start-up built inside large organisations. He is author of “Do Disrupt: Change the status quo or become it” and is a founding partner of the Do Lectures. He is a Design Council design associate, a Manufacturing Advisory Service advisor and is a key lead in the RSA’s Great Recovery events.
Friday 8 May 2015, 6pm.
Huxley Lecture Theatre 340
Imperial College, London
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