
SPARK! Lecture: Putting Numbers on Sustainability

04 Jun 2015

How can I see which product or solution is the most sustainable and are any of them sustainable in absolute terms?

Prof. Michael Zwicky Hauschild  will give an introduction to life cycle assessment as a tool to determine eco-efficiency of our technologies.

He will present the sustainability challenge that faces engineers in the future and demonstrate the need to go beyond eco- efficiency in the development of a sustainable society.

Who is our speaker? 

Michael Hauschild, Ph.D, M.Sc.(Chem.Eng.) is a professor and Head of the division for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment at the Department of Management Engineering of Technical University of Denmark. He has been overall responsible for the department’s Life Cycle Engineering research activities, teaching and professional training for more than a decade. He recently received the DADES Environmental Prize – the largest national environmental price for his contributions to the field of Life Cycle Assessment and industrial environmental sustainability.As a consultant to the EU Commission he has lead the work on development of recommendations for life cycle impact assessment under the ILCD system. Furthermore, he is founding Chair of the Nordic Life Cycle Association, NorLCA aimed at dissemination of life cycle thinking in the Nordic countries.


Thursday 4 June 2015 15.30 – 16.30 
DTU Library
Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, Building 101A, 2800 Lyngby

To reserve your place please register online or contact: solveig@climate-kic-nordic.org