Workshop: developing key performance indicators for industrial-urban circular economy initiatives
The Hubs4Circularity Community of Practice, a Horizon Europe project of which Climate KIC is a partner, invites you to an online collective sensemaking workshop to discuss and reflect on the various KPI development processes for industrial-urban symbiosis and circular economy initiatives.
The circular economy brings its own unique monitoring and reporting challenges, as per the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the related Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) reporting requirements.
This collective sensemaking session will allow us to connect, build relationships for collaboration and reflect on the process of KPI development. We will also identify (where possible) common KPIs that are transversal across different projects.
We will engage with the diversity of the approaches in action, hear stories and get inspired from the experience of developing KPIs across different projects. We will align various KPI sets and reflect on a possible common set, that can both serve as an overall blueprint and be tailored to specific projects. We will link this to the future sustainability reporting regulations and link it back to participants’ own work.
Sensemaking is a flagship Climate KIC practice, used as part of Climate KIC systems innovation methodology.
Please note it is a highly interactive event, and we encourage your active participation in the discussions.
Agenda (all times CET)
10:00 – 10:15 | Welcome remarks
10:15 – 10:30 | Check-in and participant introduction
10:30 – 10:35 | Introduction to workshop methodology
10:35 – 11:50 | Storytelling session
Five stories on KPI development will be presented and discussed by participants:
- CircLean (European Commission project)
- Hubs4Circularity Community of Practice
- Hubs4Circularity Demo AshCycle
- Hubs4Circularity Demo SYMSITES
- Hubs4Circularity Demo WaterProof
11:50 – 12:00 | Break
12:00 – 12:45 | Breakout sessions
High level overview: reflections from listening to the stories, zooming out to bigger ESG landscape in Europe, identify clusters, themes and similarities in the processes of KPI development. Participants will be able to reflect and learn with and from each other.
12:45 – 13:15 | Synthesis and next steps
Based on the information exchanged, participants will be able to identify and explore potential synergies for advancing KPI development in their own context.
13:15 – 13:30 | Check-out and conclusions