EIT Climate-KIC and the future of the forestry sector
Forests have a key role to play in climate change mitigation, given their critical influence in the global carbon cycle. Yet the world’s forests face many threats, which in turn jeopardise this role.
In 2016, EIT Climate-KIC began to explore the role that forest management practices could play in enhancing climate innovation. Between July 2016 and March 2017, it organised three stakeholder workshops, in France, Switzerland and Finland, to better understand the current state of the European forestry sector. In November 2016,
it launched a call for a series of white papers to increase understanding of the most pressing environmental and economic challenges facing the sector, its partners’ current perspectives on these, and their visions for the future of the sector.
The inputs developed and submitted by these partners together with the work developed by the community in the context of current Climate-KIC innovation projects were used to inform this document. This process also identified some major
opportunities for EIT Climate-KIC’s innovation community, and underpins the strategy behind its current flagship forestry programme.