Financing tomorrow’s new normal today

First published in Environmental Finance as part of a joint series covering the Climate Innovation Summit. Across most...

Financing tomorrow’s new normal today
How can we mainstream major climate risks into financial reporting?

The physical impacts of climate change pose a threat to our environment, society and economy. The impact...

How can we mainstream major climate risks into financial reporting?
EIT Climate-KIC emphasises need for climate focus in cohesion policy at European Week of Cities and Regions

EIT Climate-KIC was among the urban planners, municipalities, policy experts and academics gathered in Brussels earlier this...

EIT Climate-KIC emphasises need for climate focus in cohesion policy at European Week of Cities and Regions
Harvesting the intelligence of photosynthetic microalgae to de-carbonise future cities

Ubiquitous computing enables us to decipher the biopshere’s anthropogenic dimension. In front of our eyes, a new...

Harvesting the intelligence of photosynthetic microalgae to de-carbonise future cities
In Our Community
Interview with Mariana Mazzucato, Professor, Economics of Innovation and Public Value, UCL

First published in Environmental Finance as part of a series covering EIT Climate-KIC’s Climate Innovation Summit 2018.  Policymakers need...

Interview with Mariana Mazzucato, Professor, Economics of Innovation and Public Value, UCL