Success Story
Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL)

Low Carbon City Lab is a global innovation hub that helps cities overcome the barriers blocking the...

Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL)
Success Story
Total Recycle Decommissioning (TRD)

Plans to build the EU’s first recycling facility for large ships are underway at the Port of...

Total Recycle Decommissioning (TRD)
Success Story

Place’In, a web-based tool for planning and costing circular economy strategies, is an EIT Climate-KIC Pathfinder project...

Success Story
Microalgae Biorefinery 2.0

EIT Climate-KIC Demonstrator project Microalgae Biorefinery 2.0 is an algae production system designed for integration into water...

Microalgae Biorefinery 2.0
Success Story

EnCO2re is a flagship programme within EIT Climate-KIC’s Sustainable Production Systems theme. Its vision is to activate a...
