How can we leverage space innovation to take climate action on Earth?

Over the last few decades, we have seen space greatly contribute to technological and scientific progress. From...

How can we leverage space innovation to take climate action on Earth?
Green neighbourhoods as a service

Bankers without Boundaries (BwB) is a not-for-profit financial advisory firm working with EIT Climate-KIC on its Healthy, Clean Cities Deep Demonstration, a...

Green neighbourhoods as a service
Innovative finance for cities tackling the net-zero carbon transition

EIT Climate-KIC partner Bankers without Boundaries (BwB) is a not-for-profit financial advisory firm that works on projects...

Innovative finance for cities tackling the net-zero carbon transition
Accelerating city transitions

EIT Climate-KIC partner Dark Matter Labs is exploring the role ‘dark matter’—the invisible structures and infrastructures that...

Accelerating city transitions
Climate resilience needs community roots

EIT Climate-KIC partner Democratic Society has launched its Democratic Climate Model—a model showing how democratic principles can...

Climate resilience needs community roots