In his 13 years of working, Richard Seshie had been troubled by the sight of fish waste...
The European Green Deal represents a unique opportunity for...
It is estimated that food spoilage in sub-Saharan African countries accounts for one-third of the crops grown...
Audrey S-Darko is a researcher and a farmer from...
The street vending business is a major source of livelihood for many Kenyans. It also provides easy...
Most rural dwellers in Ghana rely on farming for their livelihoods, but post-harvest losses (PHL) between the...
As the official COP27 outcomes are being drafted this...
Tunisia is among the top 15 garment suppliers in the world, representing 96 per cent of Europe’s...
Energy poverty and air pollution are interlinked in sub-Sahara Africa where more than 80 per cent of...
Local authorities in Ghana are grappling with the labor-intensive process of sorting mounting quantities of waste caused...
Liberia, like most African nations, has a young, rapidly growing population that is concentrated in urban centres...
As extreme weather events become more frequent and intense, there is an urgent need to raise awareness...