Climate-KIC Journey student Joris Depouillon has founded the Food...
Climate-KIC welcomes the intention by United Nations Secretary-General Ban...
Construction21 and Climate-KIC project Eurbanlab have signed a collaborative partnership...
A testing arena. That is the City of Gothenburg’s...
The City of Malmö has partnered with Climate-KIC to...
The Climate-KIC Flagship Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL) aims...
Climate-KIC and Europe’s earth observation programme Copernicus are to...
Following the signing of the Paris Agreement, Climate-KIC will...
Climate-KIC are proud to announce that two of the...
The Climate-KIC flagship Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) is featured in...
The 2016 EIT Awards will be hosted next week...
Two UK Climate-KIC start-ups took home awards at the...