16 community-focused projects receive New European Bauhaus funding

News 30 May 2024

The EIT Community New European Bauhaus has confirmed 16 new projects to receive funding through its community-focused Connect NEB and Co-create NEB programmes, which focus on citizen-generated solutions to the challenges facing cities, peri-urban and rural areas. While the Connect NEB programme engages people in relevant challenges within their local community, the Co-create NEB programme calls on local communities and public authorities to re-design public space.

With projects based in locations ranging from the Baltic city of Tallinn to Maia on the Iberian Peninsula, the geographical diversity of this year’s cohorts represents the far-reaching impact of the New European Bauhaus initiative. Announced in early 2021, the New European Bauhaus is an EU-backed initiative that calls on all Europeans to shape an alternative future for the continent – built on the core principles of sustainability, inclusivity and aesthetics. Along with our partners EIT FoodEIT Manufacturing, and EIT Urban Mobility, we lead the EIT Community NEB, whose role is to support on-the-ground projects that embody the values of the NEB movement.

In April, we reported on the impact of last year’s Connect NEB and Co-create NEB cohorts, which collectively demonstrate place-based transformation in a tangible way. Furthermore, by addressing an issue highlighted by the community, these programmes ensure that European Union funding is reaching the places and people who need it the most. So, without further delay, let’s meet this year’s cohorts…

Connect NEB

A colourful example of sustainable creativity from the FishArt project.

  • Connecting Seveso (Lombardy, Italy)
    Creating green spaces through the redevelopment of urban wasteland.
  • PLACETHEATRE (Novi Sad, Serbia)
    Placemaking through street theatre and future storytelling.
  • FishArt (Anzio, Italy)
    Sustainable, participatory art for the rejuvenation of the local harbour.
  • Bavarian Alps + BeCare (Munich, Germany)
    Beautiful, inclusive and sustainable connections to and from the Bavarian Alps.
  • Gardens 4 Good (Paris, France)
    Sharing the benefits of community gardening with elderly, vulnerable people.
  • FURKAN (Ostróda, Poland)
    Supporting the transformation of the urban-rural food system.
  • CraftEarth (Catalonia, Spain)
    Catalysing transformation through environmental resilience and technology.
  • From know-how to do-how (Liepāja, Latvia)
    Training the local community to restore neglected buildings.

Co-create NEB

The Kopli93 project aims to develop historic buildings in Tallinn.

  • EmMa (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
    Emergency responses for flood-damaged public spaces.
  • ELDERS (Barcelona, Spain)
    Encouraging active living and self-sufficiency among the elderly population.
  • COHERE (Utrecht, Netherlands – see main article image)
    Working with local people to make inner-city neighbourhoods greener.
  • Sobrotherhood (Maia, Portugal)
    Rebuilding community through biophilic design, which focuses on aspects of nature that contribute to human health.
  • GO AERCHOT! (Schaerbeek, Brussels)
    Improving public space and climate awareness for vulnerable groups in the city.
  • Cultural Campus (Frankfurt, Germany)
    Transforming vacant buildings to boost culture and community.
  • PlayInn (Madrid, Spain)
    Forging connections and a sense of belonging through improved public spaces.
  • Kopli93 (Kopli, Estonia)
    A home for local people to learn about food, construction and self-sufficiency.

Would you like to stay up to date with the innovative programmes facilitated by the EIT Community New European Bauhaus? Follow Climate KIC on LinkedIn, where the impact of this year’s Connect and Co-create cohorts will be showcased.