17 Climate KIC solutions included in MI 100 Global High Impact listing

13 Climate KIC Accelerator start-ups and four Climate KIC projects have been announced as part of the Mission Innovation 100 Global High Impact Solutions. Each of the solutions is selected for having a climate mitigation potential of over 10 megatons or having strategic importance for 1.5C compatible strategies – with the 100 solutions having a combined potential impact of three gigatons.
The top 100 high-impact climate solutions were presented at the MI-4 Ministerial yesterday in Vancouver, where the 24 Mission Innovation (MI) member states together with the European Commission and high profile MI members such as the World Economic Forum, the Bill Gates Breakthrough Energy Ventures and the World Bank met for their fourth annual gathering.
Together, the 100 solutions and 15 framework explorers have the potential to reduce almost three gigatons of CO2 emissions by 2030. The accumulative climate impact of these start-ups is therefore enormous. The 17 Climate KIC solutions on the top 100 list show the breadth and impact of the Climate KIC portfolio, illustrating the large, positive impact the start-ups can have in a concrete way.
“We are very pleased to see 13 of our European Climate KIC portfolio companies selected among the 100 MI Global High Impact Solutions. These novel companies represent a new business norm including both a high contribution to the green transition and a global scalable market opportunity. A lot of the companies are already very successful in the markets, while others are entering and changing the markets as we speak.”
– Mikkel Trym, Entrepreneurship Lead, Climate KIC
Of the 13 start-ups, five have been incubated in the Climate KIC Nordic Accelerator programme, with four representatives from Germany, three from Spain and one from the United Kingdom.
The 13 Climate KIC start-ups in the MI 100 solutions are:
Heliac – Denmark
Heliac’s innovative solar collectors and panels generate heat using lenses that focus on sunlight in the same way as a magnifying glass. Their solution produces utility-scale heat, with a 2 MV solar field already in operation in Denmark.
Matter – Denmark
Matter (former Penstable) is a Danish fintech-start-up specialised in sustainable investments in the pension industry. Their product is based on a digital platform that allows users, both companies and consumers, to track financial aspects such as return on investments and their total savings as well as the positive impact their pension savings can have on the environment.
Donkey Republic – Denmark
Donkey Republic developed a bike sharing platform that connects rentable bikes with users by utilizing a mobile app and an electronic ring lock placed on the bike.
SpinDrive – Finland
SpindDrive provides design and prototyping of high-speed electrical drivetrains and serial production of active magnetic bearings. Their solution increases process efficiency by up to 10 per cent.
TotalCtrl – Norway
TotalCtrl developed a software based on automatic data harvesting for the grocery industry to reduce food waste at the retail and consumer levels. TotalCtrl’s solution includes pre-expiration notice, inventory and auto generation of recipes, with the solution currently available for the grocery industry and consumers with a possibility of integrating it into other systems.
Hexafly – Ireland
Hexafly are developing new material sources for the aqua feed, chitin and plant nutrition industries from the sustainable farming of insects. Chitin is a high-value biopolymer with many uses in medicine, cosmetics and as a food additive. Their aim is to bring an insect farming revolution to the world and find smart ways to feed the planet.
Refurbed – Germany
Refurbed is a marketplace for refurbished electronics. The electronics are used products that are completely renewed so they look like and function like new. Their aim is to make sustainable living affordable to all members of society by allowing consumers to easily buy refurbished equipment.
Ecoligo – Germany
Ecoligo provides a fully financed solar-as-a-service (SaaS) solution for businesses in emerging markets. By providing a digital platform for financing and delivering solar projects, ecoligo aims to remove the barriers that prevent such projects from being realised.
Twingz – Germany
Twingz detects potential fire and/or water damage before it occurs and provides a fully transparent picture of energy consumption by monitoring individual appliances based on the end-user’s electricity and water meters. Using data disaggregation and machine learning, Twingz aims to make power and water consumption transparent and controllable as well as predictable and therefore safe.
NÜWIEL – Germany
NÜWIEL has developed and built an electric bicycle trailer that automatically follows the movement of the bicycle without the cyclist feeling the load of the trailer or the cargo. When used without a bicycle, it can also be used as an electrically powered handcart in pedestrian-only zones and inside buildings.
Zeleros – Spain
Hyperloop is a new means of ground transportation that can carry passengers and cargo at speeds up to 1000 km/h inside low-pressure tubes. Zeleros’ hyperloop system minimizes infrastructure complexity to achieve a scalable solution that will enable long-distance travel.
Solatom – Spain
Solatom is a solar concentrator designed for generating high temperature heat (steam, hot water or thermal oil) in industrial processes. Solatom’s modules are formed by rows of mirrors that track the sun, reflecting the sunlight on a vacuum tube.
Green Urban Data – Spain
Green Urban Data produces software that monitors and measures temperature at the neighbourhood level, locating the most vulnerable areas and offering recommendations for action to stabilize the temperature in those areas. Their innovation aims to counteract the effects of temperature on the health and economy of a city, using software as a service (SaaS) to adapt a city to the effects of temperature variations.
The 4 Climate KIC projects in the MI 100 solutions are:
Climathon Project Triply – Austria
Triply focuses on dynamically generated mobility solutions and transport concepts for events and locations.
Climathon Project Heat Harvest – Austria
Heat Harvest addresses the need for cooling in urban hot spots. The standard solution is to install air conditioning units and blow the hot air outside, but Heat Harvest intends to cool pavements and building walls which are directly exposed to sunlight with water cooling lines directly enclosed in concrete or asphalt.
Climathon Project AiM – Austria
The AiM Project’s aim is to reduce business trips through a virtual information assistant informing about saved money, time and CO2 emissions when avoiding or optimizing trips.
Climathon Project Homeway – Austria
The Homeaway project is built around an app that identifies which flat to rent to minimize travel.
For a full list of the 100 high-impact solutions and their descriptions, visit the MI 100 Solutions website.
About Mission Innovation
Mission Innovation is a global initiative consisting of 24 countries and the European Commission. The initiative was launched at the Paris Climate Conference COP21 in 2015, where world leaders came together and committed to the ambitious targets set out in the Paris Agreement.
MI member states represent 60 per cent of the world’s population, 70 per cent of GDP and 80 per cent of government investment in clean energy research.