63 start-ups join Climate-KIC EIT RIS Accelerator Programme
Dozens of start-ups have joined the Climate-KIC EIT RIS Accelerator Programme, following a competitive application and selection process, propelling the European climate innovation community towards a low-carbon future. The programme, run by Climate-KIC and the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), called EIT RIS (Regional Innovation Scheme) Accelerator, provides education, training, networking opportunities and grants to organisations at the forefront of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The start-ups – 63 in total – will benefit from targeted expert coaching and workshops until the end of the year and will be able to receive financial support in order to be made investment ready. They will have the opportunity to come together in two international bootcamps, one taking place in Frankfurt in October, and one in Lisbon during Web Summit 2017.
Mike Cherrett, Director of External Partnerships at Climate-KIC, said:
“I’m blown away by the quality and energy of the innovators we find in every EIT RIS country we work with. These start-ups are challenging us at Climate-KIC to raise standards and improve our ability to support innovation. I believe that people are fundamentally driven to innovate, but national variation can mean there are obstacles along the way to commercial viability.
“Because EIT RIS brings people together physically as part of a common curriculum, we are able to draw together pan-European perspectives and foster relationships which would otherwise not have formed, and thus new businesses can flourish.”
Phani Hadjiphani, Programme Manager at Chrysalis LEAP, said:
“Chrysalis LEAP’s vision has always been to foster and promote innovation and entrepreneurship in Cyprus. Through our partnership with the Climate-KIC EIT RIS Accelerator, we have the opportunity to showcase the amazing talent this island has. Where innovation meets dedication and commitment; this is what our start-ups are all about and we are very proud of their hard work and results so far.”
Organisations in nine EU countries currently engage actively with the Climate-KIC EIT RIS Accelerator. This means that start-ups in Romania, Slovenia, Estonia, Serbia, Cyprus, Latvia, Malta, Portugal and Bulgaria are helping to push Europe into an international leadership position in climate innovation. The programme is run in cooperation with Climate-KIC partners in each country, including; Provadis School of International Management and Technology, Cleantech Bulgaria Foundation, Chrysalis Leap, Cleantech Forest, Riga Technical University, Paragon Europe, Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Building Global Innovators Portugal, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and CO NOT.