Brisbane’s Climathon: How can Brisbane City increase its resilience to climate shocks in the future

News 29 Aug 2016

The Climate-KIC Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change event which will take place simultaneously in major cities around the world on 28 October 2016. 

In Brisbane the Climate-KIC Climathon will run on the 29 October from 9am to 4pm AEST. It is organised by the Queensland University of Technology and the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility based at Griffith University to create new solutions which will increase Brisbane’s resilience to future climate shocks. 

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The Challenge

Brisbane’s Climathon challenge: How can Brisbane City increase its resilience to climate shocks in the future (floods, heat and wind)?

Brisbane is a large sub-tropical city located on the Coast and on the floodplain of a large river/estuary. It has been affected by floods, drought and heatwaves on several occasions over the past century. The challenge for the Climathon will be to identify innovative approaches to help the city and its residents to cope with future climate related events and pressures.

Pitching to expert judges

The Climathon event will culminate in presentation of each group’s idea in front of panel members who will provide valuable feedback. The panel is comprised of different science and business experts.


Queensland University of Technology

National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (Griffith University)

How to join the Climathon

How will you benefit from participating in Climathon?

  • Help solve your city’s local climate challenge, and make your city more resilient to climate change
  • Network with local leaders from academia, business and public authorities
  • Develop your skills in public speaking, innovative thinking, prioritisation, and explore new tools and methodologies
  • Join forces with other like-minded entrepreneurs and innovators
  • Become a part of a global community working together to take climate action!

Register your interest now to join the Climathon global movement and drive climate action

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