Climate-KIC Flagship LoCaL supports cities to assess and report GHG emissions

News 21 Jun 2016

A new report offering a gap analysis of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory methods for Trondheim municipality has been published as part of the Carbon Track & Trace (CTT) project under the Climate-KIC Flagship Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL) 

This report is the result of a research and innovation collaboration between the City of Trondheim, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and ICLEI Europe– Local Governments for Sustainability, offering recommendations that pave the road for automated, cost-effective and accurate GHG emissions reporting. 

Carbon Track & Trace is intended to provide the City of Trondheim with a sound empirical basis for the development of more advanced GHG emissions inventory methods, including the eventual deployment of autonomous sensors and automated software to reduce the cost and complexity of conducting GHG inventories. An additional goal of the project is to help develop better methods of decision-support and planning support for municipal mitigation planning through integration into strategic planning instruments, cost-benefit assessments (CBA) and geo-spatial databases.

To the report

To read the full report, please visit this page.

About LoCaL

Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL) is a Climate-KIC Flagship that aims to reduce 1 Gt of CO2 and mobilize €25 billion of climate finance for cities annually by 2050.

Municipal GHG emission inventories are frequently expensive and time-consuming to build, maintain, validate, and evaluate. The absence of detailed cost/benefit calculations for ex-ante, ex-durante, and ex-post appraisal means that municipal and regional governments often lack even rudimentary understanding of projected or outturn costs and benefits of their mitigation strategies.

LoCaL provide cities with tools for assessing GHG emissions, planning, investing and evaluating progress. Carbon Track & Trace (CTT) is one of these activities.


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