Climate-KIC launches #ClimateAtoZ – an introduction to climate innovation

News 28 Sep 2016

In the run up to the UN Climate Change conference, COP22, in November Climate-KIC will be taking you through the #ClimateAtoZ – an introduction to climate innovation.

The A to Z of Climate Innovation will introduce you to some of the key concepts in climate innovation today.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 18 November we will reveal a new word along with an explanation, solution and action that you can take.

Here’s an overview of the first 3 letters.

A is for Ambition

aClimate change is one of the biggest challenges that humanity faces today. Ambition is needed in order to achieve the goal of a zero-carbon economy.

In December 2015, 195 countries met at COP21 in Paris, France to adopt the first ever global, legally binding climate deal.

The ambition of this Paris Agreement is to limit global warming to well below 2°C from pre-industrial levels (approx. 1890 AD). This would significantly reduce risks and the impact of climate change.

Find out more about what we are doing and what you can do >> #ClimateAtoZ


B is for Bugs


With the global population forecast to be nine billion by 2050, alternative protein sources will be needed for humans and livestock to reduce land and energy use and conserve resources.

Though many people may turn their noses up at the idea of eating ‘creepy crawlies’, insects have many features that make them an attractive source of highly nutritious and sustainable food. 

Find out more about what we are doing and what you can do >> #ClimateAtoZ


C is for Collaboration


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said that Climate change is the single greatest threat to sustainable development, but at the same time one of the greatest opportunities of our times. 

No one individual or organisation can tackle climate change alone, developed and developing countries must collaborate to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Find out more about what we are doing and what you can do >> #ClimateAtoZ


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