Climate-KIC Nordic wins Open Innovation tender
Climate-KIC Nordic will take the lead in a major Open Innovation process, securing a project worth of EUR 190.000 € running until 2019. The process will involve five Swedish and Danish cities, in addition to universities and private companies.
This is the sixth time in a row that Climate-KIC’s expertise and experience in developing, planning and executing Open Innovation Calls has resulted in an open tender win, this time with a Smart Cities Accelerator (SCA) programme within the Interreg Øresund project funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
Strengthening the Open Innovation Track Record
Climate-KIC’s ability to engage and involve multiple stakeholders, especially SMEs and start-ups, has positioned Climate-KIC as one of the pioneers and exclusive providers of Open Innovation programmes and schemes within climate and energy actions, efficiency and optimizations.
Climate-KIC will execute seven Open Innovation calls and events in the partnering cities on seven focus areas within the SCA-project in collaboration with the project partners. The project will also deliver an online Open Innovation portal and an education manual on Open Innovation for city officials.
Smart Cities Accelerator – an Interreg-project
Climate challenges such as global warming, air pollution and pressure on natural resources has resulted in many political objectives at local, regional, national, European and global level. One of the major climate objectives is to substitute fossil fuels with sustainable and renewable energy. This requires interdisciplinary development of methods and technologies.
One of the Smart City Accelerator (SCA) projects developed by the Technical University of Denmark is a condominium bike that can generate electricity and underfloor heating for a small apartment.
The Smart City Accelerator focuses on facilitating knowledge sharing and the development of demonstration projects that can create more sustainable solutions within the municipal energy supply system, from energy production to energy consumption.
SCA will facilitate this development of greener solutions by combining seven vertical technical focus areas with an analysis of legal barriers, behavioural studies, teaching models and data-management to support more renewable energy. The programme partners include:
- Five cities: Copenhagen Municipality (DK), Høje Taastrup Municipality (DK), Båstad Municipality (S), Lund Municipality (S), Malmö Municipality (S)
- Four universities: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), University of Copenhagen (KU), Lund University (LU), Malmö University (MaH)
- Two companies: Kraftringen (S), Høje Taastrup District Heating (DK)
Smart Cities Accelerator (SCA) is financed by the EU programme Interreg-ØKS which supports cross-regional collaboration in Europe. The project runs for a period of three years 2016-2019,
For further information about the Open Innovation project, please contact Senior Project Manager Jakob Stolt at Climate-KIC:
Phone: +45 28109892
For information about the Smart Cities Accelerator project, please contact Project lead Anne Marie Damgaard:
Phone: +45 41184747