Climate-KIC’s carbon trading debate: report published

News 13 Nov 2013

Following Climate-KIC’s high-level expert debate in Brussels on the future of global carbon trading, a summary report of the discussion has now been published.

Climate-KIC brought together a group of experts from politics, industry and academia on 24 September 2013 to discuss one of the most contentious topics on the political agenda: the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and other emerging international emissions trading schemes.

The report summarizes the discussion of the expert panel, moderated by Jonathan Tyler, Chief Commercial Officer of Climate-KIC.

Participants included:

  • Pierre Dechamps, Adviser for Energy, Climate Change and the Environment at the Bureau of European Policy Advisers to President Barroso of the European Commission
  • John Ashton, commentator and adviser on climate change politics and former UK diplomat
  • Christoph Grobbel, Chief Finance Officer at South Pole Carbon
  • Jörg Rothermel, Head of Energy, Climate Protection, Raw Materials at the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI)

European Emissions Trading System

The EU ETS is a key instrument of the European Union’s efforts to combat climate change and reduce industrial greenhouse gas emissions. It is the biggest international system for the trade of greenhouse gas emission allowances and operates in 28 EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

The system limits the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) generated by more than 11,000 power stations, energy-intensive industrial plants and commercial airlines in these countries.

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