Community events ignite enthusiasm for the New European Bauhaus
Launched in early 2021, the New European Bauhaus (NEB) is an EU-backed initiative that calls on all Europeans to shape a new future for the continent – built on the principles of sustainability, inclusivity and beauty. Along with our partners, EIT Digital, EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility, we lead the EIT Community NEB, whose task it is to support on-the-ground projects that embody the values of the NEB movement.
In September, we previewed the Ignite NEB series – four events across four countries that aim to transform local communities through championing entrepreneurship, renewal and creativity. During a series of online and in-person events, participating teams responded to local challenges set by each organisation, after which winners were chosen to receive a grant of €10k to turn their ideas into reality.
Ignite NEB Event: Brussels, Belgium
Regaining a sense of belonging
Event overview:
The focus of the hackathon was micro-solidarity, which emphasised social entrepreneurs’ collaborative efforts to counter alienation through local initiatives. A host of diverse, creative projects, such as a neighbourhood kitchen and a community radio station, showcased the participants’ dedication to improving people’s daily lives and addressing their specific needs.
The winner: Zinne – empowering communities through local currency
Based in the Brussels-Capital region and positioned as an alternative economic model, Zinne disrupts traditional financial structures, prioritising citizen and participatory management. As a not-for-profit presenting a tangible solution to economic challenges, the project aligns with NEB objectives. Zinne’s innovative approach focuses on strengthening a network of independent businesses – promoting ethical, environmental, and communal values.
You buy your bread in Zinnes, the baker orders their flour in Zinnes, and the supplier pays their employees in Zinnes.
By supporting the local economy, championing sustainability and fostering social interaction, Zinne is a way of connecting the people of Brussels and bringing life to its neighbourhoods. More than a form of currency, the project presents a viable alternative to the status quo and demonstrates the potential for economic change in the Belgian capital and beyond.
Ignite NEB Event: Zaragoza, Spain
Prioritising the places and people that need it the most
Event overview:
The ambition of the Cuarto Mitad Fest was to restore Zaragoza’s San Vicente de Paúl Market to its former glory. In recognition of changing consumer habits and digitalisation, the event sought creative solutions through a collaborative ‘idea competition.’ This took the form of an open public event and a travelling gallery of local artists, in collaboration with Zaragoza City Council and other partners.
The winner: MEDS – Meeting of Design Students
The first-place prize of €10,000 was awarded to MEDS (Meeting of Design Students), a team comprised of architects: Adrián Alfonso, Ignacio Condón, Yacme Mangrané, and Guillermo Ráfales. Their winning proposal to rejuvenate the city market centred on a versatile, gamification concept using modular furniture and interactive flooring, which aligned perfectly with the NEB values. This creative vision earned them the opportunity to develop their business idea within the Grow NEB programme.
Ignite NEB Event: Schlanders/Silandro, Italy
Regaining a sense of belonging
Event overview:
BASIS Vinschgau Venosta, in collaboration with The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Uni BZ), aims to bring value to rural communities in the autonomous province of South Tyrol by tapping into the expertise of interdisciplinary experts and fostering collaboration to create innovative projects. The competition focused on shaping a vision for the next decade of BASIS Vinschgau Venosta by seeking innovative solutions for the design of a retreat, known as BED & BASIS. BASIS and Uni BZ successfully attracted over 30 participants for the ‘idea competition.’
The winner: Stüa – Melding Communities
In a team comprising Noa Paul, Rodrigo Medina, Ignacio Merino, Tobias Tavella, and Luana Julia Carp, Stüa draws inspiration from heated rooms in farmhouses, which have traditionally been important communal spaces. Centred on the fireplace/oven, the design allows for modular construction using regional materials like pressed red clay and emphasises community engagement and a business-to-business model. Through championing cultural activation and sustainable development in the region, the success reaffirms the point that sustainable, inclusive and beautiful innovation can thrive within but also beyond major cities – highlighting the transformative potential of the New European Bauhaus initiative.
Ignite NEB Event: Riga, Latvia
The need for long-term, life cycle thinking in the industrial ecosystem
Event overview:
In a series of events designed to address distinct areas of interest, three challenges were created to support a diverse range of participants and objectives. The first ‘Riga City Challenge’ was suitable for teams at the beginning of their project journey, but with a developed solution ready to be tested within the Riga metropolitan context. The second ‘Dinex Challenge’ was more specialised, focusing on issues and opportunities associated with plastics, while the third ‘Hybrid Challenge’ allowed teams to combine aspects of the Riga City and Dinex challenges.
The winner: Purefy – Smart Waste Technology
The winning project focuses on the development of a smart sensor system for municipal waste bins. This involves creating a durable and weather-proof system equipped with ultrasonic, temperature and humidity sensors, plus LoRaWAN technology for efficient waste-level monitoring. The accompanying software is designed to provide real-time data on bin capacity, send out predictive maintenance alerts, and optimise waste collection routes – meaning municipalities can work in a more sustainable way and streets can remain aesthetically pleasing.