New feasibility study: Mobility as a Service Based on Accommodation
The city of Malmö is interested in the concept, and Trivector is currently discussing potential pilots with interested property developers. The municipality of Copenhagen has also expressed interest in the concept, but the connection to accommodation is more difficult to achieve here due to differences between the countries regarding parking regulations.
Accommodation as starting point
The concept EC2B – easy to B or easy to be – takes accommodation as its starting point. Instead of owning a car, customers pay for transport as a service. Customised transport packages are then delivered to the customers based on their needs, including a mix of services such as public transport, shared bicycles, rental cars, shared cars and home delivery. Everything is handled through a platform that also contains elements that nudge users towards more sustainable travel behaviors.
Value to all participants
Not only travellers benefit from EC2B. The service moreover creates value for property developers, who can reduce the number of parking spots they need to provide in connection to their properties; the city, which reduces the number of cars on the streets; and transport operators, who may reach out to new customers.
EC2B has during 2016 received support from the EU’s main initiative and network for climate innovation Climate-KIC, and the business model is now being refined to make EC2B ready for testing in several pilot projects. Several important actors are participating in the process, including property developers, transport providers, municipalities, IT companies.
More information
Read more about EC2B here, here or in Trivector’s feasibility study about EC2B.