Climate KIC launches ‘Call to Action’

News 06 Mar 2019

This week, Climate KIC launched its call for proposals. The organisation is searching for climate change professionals with innovative concepts that could trigger change across our economic, social or financial systems.

The submissions will also be evaluated with a ‘portfolio approach’, meaning, by their ability to complement and act as a force multiplier to Climate KIC’s existing portfolio of innovation experiments.

According to Climate KIC’s 2019 strategy document, Transformation, In Time, “Continuing to work through gradual, incremental changes will not be enough [to successfully tackle climate change]. What is needed now is a fundamental transformation of economic, social and financial systems that will trigger exponential change in decarbonisation rates and strengthen climate resilience – what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change call “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.””

There are five options when applying to this call and they run in parallel. The route one chooses to apply through will be dependent on the country in which they or their organisation is located, the content and aim of the project and, for Innovation, the stage the project is at:

  • Climate Innovation Ecosystems
  • Earlier Stage Innovation
  • Later Stage Innovation
  • Education
  • RIS

Funding available for these calls is for both 2019 and 2020 start dates.

Who can apply?

To be eligible to receive EIT funding for any of these calls, you must be an Climate KIC partner.

Non-Climate KIC Partners can apply to the call but will not be eligible to receive EIT funding until they have partner status. For more information on how to get this, please contact your local Climate-KIC office.

For further eligibility criteria per programme, please consult the calls for proposals guidance document.

Brexit: UK Partners and Linked Third Parties, and consortiums involving UK entities are advised to read the communications issued by Climate-KIC regarding eligibility and the UK’s exit from the EU detailed under the Brexit section on the website.

How to apply


13 February: Call documentation released

During this time, all applicants are strongly encouraged to speak to, and co-create with Climate KIC on the project ideas that they are preparing.

04 March: Plaza opens for applications

30 April: Call closes

14 June: Applicants notified of outcome
